It is my honor to post the eighth annual US Utility Patent Toteboard.

The USPTO issued about 322992 US utility patents in 2022.  The goal of this toteboard, brought to you by the Ant-Like Persistence blog, is to list the firms that helped clients to obtain these patents.  It ranks the firms according to the number of US utility patents obtained in 2022.  Each firm was invited in early 2023 to submit a simple online questionnaire.  The closing date for the questionnaires was January 24, 2023.  Each firm was asked to report only US utility patents for which that firm is listed on the front page of the granted patent.

The firms listed below, between them, accounted for about fifteen percent of all of the granted US utility patents in 2022.

Ranking Utility
Firm web site
1 4579 Sughrue Mion https://www.sughrue.com/
2 4251 Oblon, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt LLP www.oblon.com
3 3165 Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP www.kilpatricktownsend.com
4 3154 Cantor Colburn LLP www.cantorcolburn.com
5 3149 Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch, LLP www.bskb.com
6 2868 Harness IP https://www.harnessip.com/
7 1898 Muncy, Geissler, Olds & Lowe, P.C. www.mg-ip.com
8 1873 Slater Matsil, LLP slatermatsil.com
9 1567 Venable LLP https://www.venable.com/
10 1451 Leydig, Voit & Mayer leydig.com
11 1415 Banner Witcoff https://bannerwitcoff.com/
12 1134 Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C. www.sternekessler.com
13 1094 Hauptman Ham, LLP www.ipfirm.com
14 1070 Brooks Kushman https://www.brookskushman.com/
15 1049 Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP www.marshallip.com
16 977 WHDA whda.com
17 854 Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati https://www.wsgr.com/en/
18 803 FisherBroyles, LLP https://www.fisherbroyles.com/
19 688 NSIP Law www.nsiplaw.com
20 667 Lempia Summerfield Katz LLC www.lsk-iplaw.com
21 650 Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP eversheds-sutherland.com
22 637 Fox Rothschild LLP www.foxrothschild.com
23 506 McAndrews, Held & Malloy https://www.mcandrews-ip.com/
24 424 Withrow + Terranova, PLLC https://www.wt-ip.com/
25 412 Rossi, Kimms & McDowell LLP www.rkmllp.com
26 370 Loza & Loza LLP www.lozaip.com
27 265 McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC https://www.ipmvs.com/
28 226 Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC www.cll.com
29 224 Browdy and Neimark, PLLC www.browdyneimark.com
30 211 Allen, Dyer, Doppelt + Gilchrist, P.A. https://allendyer.com/
31 204 Kenja IP Law PC https://www.kenjaip.com
32 140 MacMillan, Sobanski & Todd, LLC https://mstfirm.com/
33 134 Woodard, Emhardt, Henry, Reeves & Wagner, LLP www.uspatent.com
34 128 Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig https://www.dbllawyers.com/
35 125 Alliance IP www.allianceip.com
36 116 Fogarty LLP www.fogartyip.com
37 92 Jacobson Holman PLLC jhip.com
38 91 Umberg Zipser LLP www.umbergzipser.com
39 89 Smartpat PLC https://www.smartpat.us/
40 37 Thompson Patent Law https://thompsonpatentlaw.com
41 33 Canady + Lortz LLP canadylortz.com
42 32 Capitol City TechLaw, PLLC www.capcitytechlaw.com
42 32 GrowIP Law Group LLC https://www.growip.com/
42 32 Offit Kurman https://offitkurman.com/
45 31 Siritzky Law PLLC www.siritzkylaw.com
46 28 Polson IP Law https://www.polsoniplaw.com/
47 24 New England Intellectual Property, LLC www.newenglandip.com
48 21 Aslan Law, P.C. https://www.aslan.law
49 19 Thomas W. Galvani, P.C. https://galvanilegal.com
50 17 Oppedahl Patent Law Firm LLC www.oppedahl.com
51 14 PatentFile, LLC www.patentfile.org
52 13 Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. www.gklaw.com
53 10 Matrix Patent Agency www.mxpatent.com
53 10 Rogowski Law LLC www.rogowskilaw.com
55 9 Bycer & Marion, PLC https://www.bycermarion.com/
56 4 Ferraiuoli LLC https://ferraiuoli.com/
56 4 Michael J Brown Law Office LLC www.mjbrownlaw.com
56 4 Norred Law, PLLC www.norredlaw.com
59 3 Patents and Licensing LLC www.patentsandlicensing.com

You can also see the 2022 US Trademark Registration Toteboard and the 2022 US Design Patent Toteboard and the 2022 US Plant Patent Toteboard.  You can also see the past toteboards.

If you wish to be included in next year’s toteboard, please subscribe to the EFS-Web listserv or subscribe to this blog.  You will then learn of the availability of the questionnaire in early 2024.