USPTO needs to accept “due care” restoration requests

The USPTO needs to be willing to consider requests for the restoration of the right of priority based upon the “due care” standard.  This will help US filers who missed the 12-month priority period, and whose foreign-filing plans include the European Patent Office or any of twenty-eight other patent offices that apply the “due care” …

For the next week, an extra hour available for WIPO filings

Experienced filers in the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Madrid Protocol, and Hague Agreement systems (utility patents, trademarks, and industrial designs) know that it is important to keep always in mind when midnight will arrive in Geneva, where WIPO is located. For a PCT filer, this matters because to get a same-day filing date, a PCT application …

USPTO continues to fail to provide up-to-date web security

It’s been many years since I first tried to nudge the USPTO in the direction of providing up-to-date web security for its customers.  Up-to-date web security includes at least three measures: HTTPS connections for all e-commerce web sites PFS (perfect forward secrecy) for all HTTPS web sites DNSSEC (Domain Name System security) for all domain names …

How to file PCT applications despite the USPTO’s massive system crash

Both of the EFS-Web servers (the main one and the “contingency” one) are crashed, and have been crashed since December 22.  This means that if you are going to file a PCT application in RO/US, you are stuck doing it by hand-carrying it on paper to the USPTO or running a paper application down to …

USPTO chips away at auto-loading of bib data into Palm

When EFS-Web was new, the USPTO tried to be smart about bibliographic (bib) data.  USPTO designed Form PTO/SB/14 which was an enormous (one megabyte) PDF form.  The user could paste the bib data into the form.  This included things such as “who are the inventors” and “what are their residences” and “what is the priority …

How USPTO could handle bib data changes better

(On December 21, USPTO released a new functionality called Corrected Web-based Application Data Sheet.  I have posted a followup blog article about this new functionality.) Sometimes a filer needs to update bibliographic (bib) data in a pending patent application.  In a recent blog post I talked about how USPTO’s preferred way of receiving requests for …