Webinar recording now available: Picking a Receiving Office

So you missed the CLE-accredited webinar about the Patent Cooperation Treaty that took place on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 entitled Picking a Receiving Office.  Well, all is not lost.  You can download the program materials here and you can view the video recording here.  It is unlikely you will ever find anyplace that offers a comparable 90 minutes of discussion of this fascinating topic.  As a reminder this recording is provided free of charge, courtesy of the World Intellectual Property Organization.   You might be able to view it directly in your web browser here:

Here is a description of the program. Continue reading “Webinar recording now available: Picking a Receiving Office”

Four more upcoming webinars!

Okay folks.  Here are four more upcoming webinars for you.

The first three webinars, which all relate to the Patent Cooperation Treaty, are free of charge, thanks to the generous sponsorship of WIPO.

If you have not already done so, I suggest you share this page with all of your colleagues who handle PCT patent applications, so that they will have a chance to sign up for the PCT-related programs.

Who do you know that is scrambling around to try to pick up those last few ethics CLE credits before the end of the year?  Share this page with that person so that they can consider attending the December 10 legal ethics program on securing electronic communications.

Who do you know that is scrambling around to try to pick up a bunch of general CLE credits before the end of the year?  The price is right, especially for the first three programs.

If you don’t want to miss out on these and other webinars when they get scheduled, just subscribe to this blog.  

Beware USPTO’s DOCX system

(Update:  it is time for you, dear reader, to consider signing another letter.  See blog posting.)

I have published several blog articles (see them here) warning practitioners about the problems with the USPTO’s ill-conceived plans for requiring patent applicants to submit their US patent applications in Microsoft Word format.

Every patent practitioner should attend a free-of-charge webinar that will be presented tomorrow by the Schwegman firm on this topic.

A look at how to file using DOCX documents in the USPTO Patent Center and how what you end up filing may not be what you intended to file. Or, just pay $400 more and submit a PDF of the application that the inventor approved.

To learn more or to register, click here.

Upcoming educational programs

Hello readers.  I am getting back into the routine of presenting educational webinars.  Here is the next one, with more on the way.

  • November 8, 2021.  Legal ethics: Securing email and messaging.  In this webinar, learn what steps can be easily taken to greatly improve security of email communications.  Find out how some VOIP phone lines are vastly more secure than others and are much more secure than ordinary landline telephones or ordinary mobile phones.  Learn which messaging services are much more secure than others.

Other upcoming topics include:

  • Docketing PCT
  • Picking a PCT Searching Authority
  • Picking a PCT Receiving Office
  • Making smart use of PCT Declarations
  • National phase or bypass continuation?

What other topics would readers like to see in upcoming webinars?  Post a comment below.

ST.26 “Big Bang” is officially postponed until July 1, 2022

There are many among us whose daily work includes the e-filing of sequence listings.  By this we mean computer-readable listings of nucleotides and amino acids that form part of a patent application.  The people who do this kind of work all made a mark on their calendars more than a year ago for January 1, 2022 for the Big Bang.  Many of the people who do this kind of work belong to the ST.26 listserv (see blog article), which is an email discussion group for people who work with sequence listings when they e-file patent applications.  (If you work with sequence listings, and if you have not yet joined the ST.26 listserv, then I suggest you join the listserv.)

The Big Bang relates to the way that the filer of a patent application formats the sequence listing.  The way things are right now in 2021, if you are getting ready to file a patent application, and if you are going to need to include a sequence listing as part of the patent application, then you will be formatting it according to a standard called ST.25.  But there is a new standard for the formatting of sequence listings called ST.26.  

For more than a year, it had been planned that January 1, 2022 was the day when all of the patent offices of the world would commence requiring that a newly filed patent application be formatted according to ST.26 rather than ST.25.  The colloquial way to say this is that what was going to happen on January 1, 202 was the “Big Bang”.

The big news is that all of the patent offices of the world recently had a meeting about ST.26 and they decided to postpone the Big Bang for six months, that is, until July 1, 2022.

This is, of course, a mix of good news and bad news, right?

For those filers who have been sort of dreading having to get used to the new way of formatting a sequence listing (that is, getting used to the ST.26 standard), then in a way this is good news.  For most of us, if we think something is going to be unpleasant, then the news that the unpleasant thing is going to be delayed, it is a sort of natural reaction to count this as good news.  On the other hand, some people will say that sometimes it is better just to “rip off the band-aid”.  That if something has the potential to be unpleasant, maybe it is just as well to get it over with and to move on so that we can stop dreading the prospect of the dreaded event.

Not only that, but let’s assume for sake of discussion that there is some good reason for using ST.26 instead of ST.25.  On this assumption, maybe it means that patent examiners can do their jobs better.  Maybe it means that patent offices can do a better job of figuring out what is patentable and what is not.  Maybe it means that when a searcher is doing a search in the database of all of the sequence listings that have ever been filed in any patent application (yes, there is such a database, and you can search it for free), the searcher will be able to do more and different kinds of searches that have a chance of leading more and better search results.  Anyway, let’s assume this, that somehow ST.26 has a chance of promoting science and the useful arts better than ST.25.  

If so, then the postponing of the Big Bang by six months is a postponement of whatever those benefits are of the use of ST.26.

So yes, this postponement is arguably a mix of both good news and bad news.  

But setting aside whether you, the reader, personally think of the postponement of the Big Bang by six months as good news or bad news … I am posting this blog article to let you know, it is how things are going to be.  The Big Bang for ST.26 will not happen on January 1, 2022 as previously scheduled.  It will not happen until six months later, on July 1, 2022.

Upcoming PCT webinars – eHandshakes-Access Rights-eOwnership

WIPO has two upcoming PCT webinars.  

In this webinar you will be guided through the different steps on how to establish eHandshakes, create an access rights group, manage/share access rights and request eOwnership of already filed PCT applications.  Your presenters are Pascal Piriou and Jiao Mo.  

Tuesday 07 September : 09-10.30 am (Asia, India, Europe time zones…)

Registration link: https://wipo-int.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lVwEVDu_TxSOwi7IUJZFXw

Wednesday 08 September: 4:30-6:00 pm (America time zones)

Registration link: https://wipo-int.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EbCdVUgTSSOUbcaPlvmonA