How to do toteboard searches

Here are a few guesses as to how one might be able to do searches in the USPTO search systems to get your numbers for the toteboards.

For patents, one might make use of the USPTO Patent Public Search.  Uncheck US-PGPUB and USOCR.

US utility patents.  A typical search might be:

(B1.AT. OR B2.AT.) AND @PY="2023" AND oppedahl.ATTY.

US design patents.  A typical search might be:

( S.AT.) AND @PY="2023" AND oppedahl.ATTY.

US plant patents.  A typical search might be:

(P3.AT. OR P2.AT.) AND @PY="2023" AND oppedahl.ATTY.

For US trademark registrations, one might make use of the USPTO Trademark Search.   Click on "Expert".  A typical search might be:

AT:"oppedahl" AND RD:[20230101 TO 20231231]