Getting a faxed Foreign Filing License from the USPTO

(Note that this article was posted in 2017.  The reader should bring himself or herself up to date before proceeding.  For example the MPEP now adds a different and supposedly “preferred” fax number.  And the amount of the government fee has changed.)

Many readers doubtless already know how to get a faxed Foreign Filing License from the USPTO.  But a recent posting on the EFS-Web listserv prompts me to post this article describing the Best Practice for such a request. Continue reading “Getting a faxed Foreign Filing License from the USPTO”

Upcoming opportunities to learn about PCT

There are quite a few upcoming opportunities to learn about the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

Of course a very good way to learn of upcoming learning opportunities about PCT is to check the PCT Seminar Calendar at the web site of WIPO. WIPO updates this calendar frequently.

Upcoming programs include:

SSL web site protection free of charge

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We know the many reasons why it is good for a web site to be SSL protected (see the padlock in the purple oval at right).  Reasons include:

  • an eavesdropper cannot see the information flowing back and forth
  • Search engines such as Google give higher page rankings

(I have blogged about the importance of SSL protection here and here and here.)  Why doesn’t everyone secure every web site with SSL?  One reason might be cost.  To secure a web site with SSL, it is necessary to obtain an SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority.  The company we have traditionally used for obtaining SSL certificates charges $56 per year for a basic SSL certificate.

I was astonished, however, to learn recently that there is a free-of-charge Certificate Authority!  Our firm operates quite a few web sites, and I am delighted that we will save some money in recurring costs by using the free-of-charge CA. Continue reading “SSL web site protection free of charge”