poorly worded USPTO announcement

click to enlarge

Yes, I realize the subject line doesn’t actually narrow things down very much, in the sense that many USPTO announcements are poorly worded in one way or another.  But this one is breathtaking in the extremity of its poor wording.  See if you can catch it:

Planned maintenance
Customer Interaction Platform Contact Center Transition
The USPTO will transition our contact centers to a new platform beginning at midnight ET on Monday, October 28 and ending at midnight ET on Tuesday, October 29.
Users may experience longer wait times during the transition period.

(emphasis in original.)  Continue reading “poorly worded USPTO announcement”

Are you in the DC area?

Are you in the DC area?  Do you use the Patent Cooperation Treaty?  Have you not already signed up for the PCT Seminar that will take place this next Monday in Alexandria, Virginia?  If so, then cancel your plans for Monday and sign up for the PCT Seminar that will take place this next Monday in Alexandria, Virginia!

This is the best PCT seminar money can buy.  Except that it is free of charge.  The presenters include experts from WIPO.  I will also be among the presenters.

To learn more, and to register click here.

Save the date! Live in-person PCT seminar in Alexandria, Virginia

(Update:  the registration link is now available – click here.)

There will be a live in-person PCT seminar in Alexandria, Virginia on Monday, October 28, 2024.  This seminar, mentioned in the recent WIPO PCT Newsletter, will be an all-day event.  WIPO will soon provide a registration link for the seminar.  For now, save the date in your calendar.  Be sure to subscribe to this blog, and be sure to subscribe to the PCT listserv, to hear about it when the registration link becomes available.