Can some design people in Chile and Spain and India and Korea help?

So by now there are six Depositing Offices in the DAS system for purposes of electronic certified copies of design applications. The six Depositing Offices are:

  • Chile (National Institute of Industrial Property)
  • China (Chinese National Intellectual Property Administration)
  • Spain (Spanish Patent and Trademark Office)
  • India (Indian Patent Office)
  • South Korea (Korean Intellectual Property Office)
  • US (United States Patent and Trademark Office)

I have successfully obtained Certificates of Availability for design applications in two of these six Offices, namely China and the US.  You can see exemplary Certificates here:

I would be grateful if a practitioner in Chile were to provide to me a DAS access code for a design priority document from Chile, and if a practitioner in Spain were to provide to me a DAS access code for a design priority document from Spain, and if a practitioner in India were to provide to me a DAS access code for a design priority document from India, and if a practitioner in Korea were to provide to me a DAS access code for a design priority document from Korea.  I suppose the way to do it would be to select a design document that is already a matter of public record, because it is already published or issued.  I would also need the application number and filing date.  I would then be able to obtain a Certificate of Availability and this would provide an opportunity to test out this aspect of the DAS system.

Thank you!

2 Replies to “Can some design people in Chile and Spain and India and Korea help?”

  1. USSN: 62570468? Isn’t that a number for provisional application, and a provisional application normally is not filed for a design? Did I misunderstand anything here?

    1. Yes of course you are right about that. I did not provide a good example there. I have uploaded a different Certificate of Availability for a US design application that should serve as a better example. Thank you so much for posting!

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