So by now there are six Depositing Offices in the DAS system for purposes of electronic certified copies of design applications. The six Depositing Offices are:
- Chile (National Institute of Industrial Property)
- China (Chinese National Intellectual Property Administration)
- Spain (Spanish Patent and Trademark Office)
- India (Indian Patent Office)
- South Korea (Korean Intellectual Property Office)
- US (United States Patent and Trademark Office)
I have successfully obtained Certificates of Availability for design applications in two of these six Offices, namely China and the US. You can see exemplary Certificates here:
I would be grateful if a practitioner in Chile were to provide to me a DAS access code for a design priority document from Chile, and if a practitioner in Spain were to provide to me a DAS access code for a design priority document from Spain, and if a practitioner in India were to provide to me a DAS access code for a design priority document from India, and if a practitioner in Korea were to provide to me a DAS access code for a design priority document from Korea. I suppose the way to do it would be to select a design document that is already a matter of public record, because it is already published or issued. I would also need the application number and filing date. I would then be able to obtain a Certificate of Availability and this would provide an opportunity to test out this aspect of the DAS system.
Thank you!
USSN: 62570468? Isn’t that a number for provisional application, and a provisional application normally is not filed for a design? Did I misunderstand anything here?
Yes of course you are right about that. I did not provide a good example there. I have uploaded a different Certificate of Availability for a US design application that should serve as a better example. Thank you so much for posting!