On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, the European Patent Office will present a US-specific webinar on PCT topics. Every US practitioner and paralegal who does PCT work should attend. This webinar is free of charge.
This webinar is an opportunity to find out more about the services provided by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the latest developments in the PCT system:
- Update on PCT procedure before the EPO as International Authority
- New PCT Rules (as of 1 July 2022)
- Online filing possibilities
- Register Alert, Register Changes due to the upcoming Unitary patent, Mailbox, ePCT
- Payments and Reimbursement
The webinar will be 90 minutes in duration and will commence at 9AM Mountain Time on Tuesday, May 10.
I emphasize that every US practitioner and paralegal who does PCT work should attend.
Thank you so much for sending the email communication re: 5/10 EPO webinar! I almost missed it. Best regards, Luann Sweet
Thank you for posting. You are most welcome. Tell your colleagues at other firms! Carl
Where can I register ?
Thank you for posting. If you wish to register, then the thing to do is to go back to the blog article and scroll down to where it says “To find out more, or to register, click here.” And then click there.
Thank you for all the insight and information!