[As noted in the comments below, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed. Same-day filers are safe.]
I’ve always assumed that if I manage to get my continuation or divisional application filed on the very day that the parent application issues, that’s good enough. The domestic benefit under 35 USC § 120 will work. Right?
Alert reader David Berry drew my attention to a February 11, 2015 ruling by Judge Richard G. Andrews in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware in a summary judgment motion in the case of Immersion Corp. v. HTC Corp. civil action 12-259. The ruling suggests that when the USPTO grants a patent, it does so at about 12:01 AM on the Tuesday, and that a would-be continuation or divisional application filed after 12:01 AM on that Tuesday would lack copendency under 35 USC § 120.
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