The way it has been in the past, if a US PCT applicant were to make use of the Japan Patent Office as an International Searching Authority, the applicant would need to make sure that the application falls within particular subject matter (“green tech”). The practical consequence of this was that as a general matter, US filers tended not to select ISA/JP. But things changed on July 1, 2018 and now it is much easier for US filers. Continue reading “ISA/JP becomes easier for US filers to use”
An opportunity to save a little money on search fees
On August 1, 2018 the search fee payable to the Russian international searching authority will drop. It is presently $691 and will drop to $638.
This offers an opportunity to save a little money for the applicant who is planning to use ISA/RU. If you have a client who is planning to file a PCT application using ISA/RU, and if you have the ability to postpone the filing until August 1, you can save $53.
EPO search fee for US PCT filers will drop September 1
The search fee paid in US dollars by US filers for a PCT search carried out by the EPO will drop on September 1, 2018.
Presently $2207, it will drop to $2095.
Getting a Super Patent

Imagine you are counsel representing a patent owner in an infringement case. Suppose you can say to the judge and jury:
Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard my learned opponent invite you to consider whether perhaps this patent should never have been granted because of prior art that was overlooked. But you might be interested to know that during the time that this patent application was pending, prior art searching was carried out by not one, not two, not three, not four, but five patent offices. The Examiners in these five patent offices were fluent in the Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Korean languages. Before the claims were found to be patentable, these Examiners shared with each other the prior art that they found. The Examiners from these five patent offices shared their thoughts as to whether the claims were patentable in view of the prior art that was found. Only after all of these things took place did the patent office decide to grant a patent. And this is the patent before you now.
I’d call such a patent a Super Patent. Yes under US law any patent is to be presumed valid, but I suggest such a patent would enjoy a much greater presumption of validity. Would you like to learn how to get such a Super Patent? Continue reading “Getting a Super Patent”
ePCT training at Silicon Valley USPTO (free of charge)
WIPO will offer a free-of-charge all-day live in-person training program on the ePCT system. This will be Friday, July 20, 2018, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, at the Silicon Valley regional patent office, 26 South Fourth Street, San Jose, CA 95113. Continue reading “ePCT training at Silicon Valley USPTO (free of charge)”
Not too late to sign up for the Denver PCT Seminar
There are a couple of seats left for the Denver PCT Seminar which starts tomorrow morning bright and early.
Details here.
As of right now we could even accommodate one or two walk-in registrations.
Private in-house PCT and DAS Training
In a recent blog post I listed the remarkable number of opportunities in the next few months for public PCT and DAS training programs. What readers might not know about is that in addition to the many PCT and DAS training programs that are provided to the general public, many PCT and DAS training programs take place privately at law firms and corporations, as I will describe. Continue reading “Private in-house PCT and DAS Training”
Upcoming opportunities to learn about PCT and DAS
It is remarkable how many upcoming opportunities there are to learn about the Patent Cooperation Treaty and the WIPO DAS system: Continue reading “Upcoming opportunities to learn about PCT and DAS”
PCT fun in Boston

Today and tomorrow I am having a delightful time serving on the faculty of a PCT Seminar in Boston sponsored by the PCT Learning Center.
Registration now open: AIPLA PCT Seminar
The 22nd annual AIPLA PCT Seminar is now open for registration. This will be Monday, July 23 and Tuesday, July 24 at AIPLA headquarters in Crystal City, Virginia.
This Seminar differs from many other PCT Seminars because it has such a large number of excellent presenters. These will include a WIPO person, a USPTO person, and four experienced practitioners — Mark Guetlich, Mary Drabnis, Jeremy Smith and myself.
For more information, or to register, click here.