IP torts and natural persons as defendants

A longstanding member of the E-trademarks listserv offered up an all-too-familiar fact pattern:

Scenario:  In-house counsel sends a cease-and-desist letter asserting non-existent trademark rights.  Assume the letter is sent in bad faith and constitutes unfair competition.
Question:  Since unfair competition is a tort and in-house counsel is acting within the scope of employment, I would assume this person is jointly and severally liable with the employer.  Thoughts?  Case law?

So can you go after the person who signed the letter? Continue reading “IP torts and natural persons as defendants”

A feature USPTO needs to add – permalinks

In Patentscope and ePCT, WIPO offers “permalinks”.  These are web links that you can copy and use elsewhere, such as intranets and emails to clients.   permalinkSimilarly in European Patent Register, EPO offers such web links.register


Indeed the TSDR system of USPTO offers URLs that can be used this way.  So why doesn’t USPTO offer such links?

Alert list member Henry Blanco White points out that USPTO provides complicated instructions for constructing links to particular records in the USPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database.  It’s not simply a link that you can right-click on and save.  But it is apparently a way to construct a link.

USPTO needs to offer such links in Public PAIR and in Private PAIR.  USPTO also needs to offer such links in the Patent Application Full Text and Image Database.

(Updated June 23 to reflect that USPTO does offer constructable links in the USPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database.)

Do your own patent application customer number changes!

Recently I blogged about three nice new Private PAIR features — USPTO nice again — this time letting you check customer numbers and Now you can update entity size yourself! and Get your own new USPTO customer numbers.  Here is a fourth nice new Private PAIR feature.  You can update the customer number associated with a patent application or patent yourself. Continue reading “Do your own patent application customer number changes!”

Using NFC to make it easy for a visitor to use the guest wifi

In our office we have two wifi networks — a secure network that is available only for employee use, and a public network for visitors.  (Actually it’s three wifi networks — a 5-GHz secure network, 2.4-GHz secure network, and a 2.4-GHz guest network.)  When a visitor arrives, the usual first step is to get their smart phone or tablet or notebook computer connected to the guest network.  The old-fashioned way is, of course, to give the visitor a piece of paper with the system ID and password, and they hand-key this information into their device.

But there are nice new ways to do this.  Continue reading “Using NFC to make it easy for a visitor to use the guest wifi”