Here are images showing three things, one of which is the two-factor authentication box on the USPTO web site. That box used to say “This is a computer that I trust and use regularly” (blog article, October 8, 2019) but recently the USPTO changed the wording of this box. Now it says “Remember this browser and do not ask again for 24 hours.” Although USPTO changed the wording in the box, I do not think USPTO changed anything about the actual function of the box. This prompts me to invite the reader to post a comment below if you can think of something that is similar about these three things.
None of them actually do anything!
They are (or appear to be, for the USPTO sign in) examples of placebo buttons.
Pushing/activating more than once in a cycle will not change the outcome (the previous comments suggest even the 1st time does nothing, but mileage on one’s cynicism may vary).
Yes I think they vary. There are some “walk” buttons that really work. And some that I suspect do not. The best ones are the walk buttons that make some audible beep or a light lights up, and then you know that the button is actually getting ready to make something happen.
As for “door close” buttons I know for a fact that in some elevators the button is there solely to give people something to do while they wait for the door to close.
As for the 2FA check box in MyUSPTO, the sad fact is that it does not work consistently. In my own personal experience it works only at best around 10% of the time.