Where the next live in-person PCT seminars should take place?

Hello readers.  It will be recalled (see here and here and here) that I offered readers the opportunity to pick where I should conduct the next live in-person PCT seminars.  I collected responses for the past week and a half.   Each respondent was asked to say what city they wanted to suggest, and was asked to say how many attendees they thought they might send to the seminar.

I have now closed the survey form.   The survey received 54 responses.

At the time that I posted this survey, I figured I must be smarter than everybody else — surely I knew which two locations would turn out to be the right places to conduct the next seminars.  But the two locations I was so sure of (Alexandria, VA and San Jose, CA) did not even end up in the top five positions in the ranking.  Go figure.  Now you can see the top-ranked cities in the survey results.

The four top-ranked cities for the next PCT seminars turned out to be:

    • Phoenix, AZ
    • San Diego, CA
    • Boston, MA
    • Chicago, IL

The survey form asked each respondent to provide his or her email address.  (I promised respondents that their email addresses would not get sold to spammers.)  My main reason for this was so that once I had started trying to plan things in a particular city, I would be able to get back in touch with respondents from that city.  Maybe a respondent could suggest a venue, for example.

I continue to feel that a PCT seminar in Alexandria or San Jose ought to draw plenty of attendees.  I am baffled that I did not get large numbers of respondents voting for those locations.

Now I will try to organize the next few live in-person PCT seminars.  My thanks to the 54 respondents.

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