USPTO joins DAS as a Depositing Office for designs

There is welcome news that on October 1, 2018, USPTO joined DAS as a Depositing Office for purposes of designs.

This is welcome progress with respect to the ID5 (the five highest volume industrial design Offices).  When people say “ID5”, they mean:

  • CNIPA (the Chinese intellectual property office, formerly known as SIPO)
  • EUIPO (formerly known as OHIM)
  • JPO (the Japanese patent office)
  • KIPO (the Korean intellectual property office)

At this point, so far as the members of the ID5 are concerned, the progress is as follows:

  • CNIPA is a Depositing Office and Accessing Office for patents and utility models and designs
  • EUIPO unfortunately does not yet belong to DAS.  It is hoped that EUIPO will join DAS Real Soon Now.
  • JPO is a Depositing Office with respect to patents and utility models.  JPO is an Accessing Office with respect to patents, utility models, and designs.
  • KIPO is a Depositing Office with respect to patents and utility models and designs (but see note below).
  • USPTO is a Depositing Office and Accessing Office for patents and designs (but see note below).

The note is that USPTO and KIPO have a legacy relationship in the PDX system.  And unfortunately the design of PDX is that it trumps DAS.  If two Offices have a PDX relationship, this blocks any DAS relationship.  So what needs to happen now is that USPTO needs to pull the plug on its PDX relationship with KIPO.  I blogged about this here.

And of course JPO needs to become a Depositing Office for designs.

And EUIPO needs to become a member of DAS.

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