It will be recalled (Afex Going Down the Tubes, September 30) that it seemed to me that money transfer service provider Afex, recently purchased by a company I never heard of before called Corpay, was going down the tubes as part of its process of being absorbed by Corpay.
If anything, my reaction is that things are worse than I thought.
It will be recalled that the various documents and FAQs that are meant to reassure Afex customers that the acquisition process will be seamless say over and over again that your Relationship Manager will always be there to help. The small problem being that our Relationship Manager had left the company a few months ago and no new person had been named as her successor as our Relationship Manager. And it will be recalled that one of the FAQs helpfully provided a web-based form that a customer could complete and then a Relationship Manager would call the customer back Real Soon Now. So I filled out the form and clicked submit and an email showed up a moment later thanking me for submitting the form and letting me know that my Relationship Manager would be getting back to me Real Soon Now. That was on September 30, which is eight days ago. And as of today, you guessed it, I have not heard back from anybody.
So yesterday I tried logging in on the Afex system for sending money transfers. I did a test transfer to our firm’s own bank account. That was yesterday. The money should have reached our firm’s bank account by today or so at the latest. Then every few hours I would click around in the Afex system trying to see some sort of confirmation that I had done the transfer. Nope, no confirmation. Finally today, about 26 hours after I did the transfer, a confirmation showed up. The confirmation is worded and dated as if I had clicked “submit” today and as if the money probably won’t show up in our firm’s bank account until way next week some time. Not good. But so anyway I did happen do see that in the confirmation, it names an actual human being and provides two telephone numbers to call.

I dialed the first number which is 303-471-1161. I get a recorded message “your call cannot be completed as dialed”. I dialed the second number which is 866-428-2151. The call goes through and is answered. But it is answered by the squeal of a fax machine. Or at least I am guessing it is a fax machine. It is definitely not a human being.
Not good.
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