What weighs more than two kilograms (more than 4½ pounds), is more than four centimeters thick (more than an inch and a half), costs about twenty dollars, contains two of every presentation slide from my recent fourteen-hour webinar series of advanced training on the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and can serve as an extremely functional doorstop? The answer is, of course, two of the books at right, duct-taped together.
By way of background, as most readers of my blog know, I recently delivered fifteen webinars of advanced training about the Patent Cooperation Treaty, sponsored by the patent law firm Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner PA. The Schwegman firm, following a long tradition of service to the intellectual property community, provided the live webinars free of charge. Video recordings of the live webinars have been edited into final form and are available for viewing at the links below. Yes, a determined viewer could binge-watch fourteen hours of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, all free of charge!
In the 44-year history of the PCT, there has never been a free-of-charge audiovisual training resource on the PCT of such lengthy duration. (It will be left for posterity to judge whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.)
Did you attend any of these live lectures? Did you somehow get through all fifteen of the lectures? What advice if any do you have for someone who is considering watching the recordings? Please post a comment below.
To make best use of this free-of-charge fourteen-hour training resource, the diligent student will of course want to have continuously at hand a complete set of the presentation slides, printed out so that he or she can take notes. These, too, can be gotten free of charge, at the links below. Ask yourself how much money you would be spending on paper and on ink cartridges for your printer if you were to print out these fifteen slide decks, which add up to 367 pages. Penaya Publishing has assembled the fifteen slide decks and some additional front matter into what may be charitably described as a ponderous volume, and is making it available for purchase at approximately the actual printing cost. (Note that the interior pages of this book are black and white, while the slides as linked below include color.)
This tasty morsel weighs more than a kilogram and is more than two centimeters thick. It contains all 725 presentation slides. (Yes, that works out to just over one minute per slide, for more than fourteen hours of what some might characterize as dry subject matter.) As I say, the publisher is making it available at approximately the actual printing cost. Here are eleven places where you can purchase this book.
- Amazon.com
- Amazon.ca
- Amazon.co.uk
- Amazon.de
- Amazon.fr
- Amazon.es
- Amazon.it
- Amazon.nl
- Amazon.co.jp
- Amazon.com.au
- OPLF shopping cart
Description | video | slides | duration |
Session 1 – What is PCT? Why we care? Paris path versus PCT | video | slides | 67:17 |
Session 2 – Planning for PCT and Paris, Article 4 of Paris, SAOSIT, Making use of WIPO DAS | video | slides | 50:18 |
Session 3 – Selecting a Receiving Office, RO/US versus RO/IB | video | slides | 56:56 |
Session 4 – Selecting an International Searching Authority | video | slides | 54:43 |
Session 5 – Applicant of Convenience. Preparing a PCT Request – Making use of ePCT and getting benefit of validations, avoiding malpractice on priority claim mistakes | video | slides | 53:59 |
Session 6 – Using workplace collaboration features of ePCT as you lead up to the PCT Filing, shared address book, external signatures, document reviews | video | slides | 59:06 |
Session 7 – E-Filing of the PCT Application and docketing of PCT thereafter | video | slides | 52:15 |
Session 8 – What to do when the International Search Report and Written Opinion arrive, do you file a Demand? | video | slides | 55:23 |
Session 9 – Using ePCT for “actions” such as 92bis requests, communicating with ISAs | video | slides | 52:32 |
Session 10 – Mechanics of filing a Demand, steps before and after filing the Demand | video | slides | 55:36 |
Session 11 – Understanding and using the five kinds of PCT declarations | video | slides | 58:47 |
Session 12 – National-phase entry generally – tips for some Offices | video | slides | 59:22 |
Session 13 – Choosing between US national-phase entry and bypass continuation | video | slides | 37:53 |
Session 14 – Best practices and procedure for US national-phase entry | video | slides | 59:40 |
Session 15 – Making use of PCT-PPH, and comparison with Track I and AE | video | slides | 59:21 |
It seems obvious, but reading the slides before experiencing the presentation not only familiarizes you with the concepts, but lets you become aware of any stumbling points in your understanding beforehand.
I appreciated hearing practitioner strategies/suggestions along with the rules/procedures.
Make it available in amazon.in too
Thank you so much for posting the comment. The way that we are making this book available on Amazon is by means of the Amazon publishing-on-demand platform called Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). In KDP, it is possible to pick and choose which markets are available. When I set up this book, I checked the box for “all territories”. The result is what you see above, ten Amazon web sites that do not include Amazon.in. I am sorry about that. We could try to ship the book to you directly just by taking it to our local post office and paying whatever they charge for a shipment to India. I am guessing it would be very expensive since the book is so heavy. If you would like us to try that, just let us know.
I am going through the program, and when I watched Session 5 (which has the title “Preparing a PCT Request” in your table above) I was a little confused, because there is very little about the PCT Request. Instead, it was a long discussion of “Applicant of Convenience” (which is interesting, but will likely never be needed in my practice… at most very, very rarely), and then when it got to the “Live Demo” it was going through Q&A about topics from earlier sessions, and a very short demo on setting up tracking of a priority document in DAS. I was a bit frustrated, because one of the main reasons I am going through these seminars is to be a reviewing attorney for PCT filings, and the vast majority of those filings will be PCT Requests… so if there is *anything* that I need to understand really well, it is the Request.
Is there another recorded program of yours that has more details on preparing and filing Request? Perhaps in the ePCT seminars? Or the PCT Forms seminars? Thanks!
Thank you Michael for commenting. You are absolutely right, the session title for Session 5, as shown on the “A very good doorstep” page, is wrong. As one may see from slide 1 of the slide deck, the session title is actually “Applicants of Convenience” along with a second topic. Thanks to you I have corrected the session title on that page. Thanks to you I have also corrected the session title on the 2022 Schwegman Advanced PCT Training page. And I see that you are with the Schwegman firm! Thanks to you and your colleagues for having made this entire webinar series possible in the first place!
You are quite right that there are many topics one needs to master if one is going to take on responsibility for reviewing a PCT Request prepared by somebody else. In this webinar series, these topics are mostly found in Sessions 1 through 4.