Are you a user of the Madrid Protocol? Will you be in Washington, DC on Saturday, October 27?
If so, then please consider helping the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) — and yourself — by attending a focus group of US users of the Madrid system at 7AM on that day at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington, DC. Although WIPO’s focus group will be held in conjunction with the AIPLA Annual Meeting, you do not need to be registered for the Annual Meeting to participate in the focus group.
The maximum number of participants for the Madrid Focus Group is 15. If you are interested in participating, please confirm that interest as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to Alan Datri at
This WIPO Madrid Focus Group Breakfast meeting will open with a 30-minute update session by Mr. Benoît Apercé, Information Officer, Madrid Information and Promotion Division, Madrid Registry, Brands and Designs Sector of WIPO. The update will be followed by a guided discussion with a small group of other IP professionals in an informal setting in which you will be able to freely share your views and opinions on the Madrid System and options for trademark filings. Your input will remain confidential and only used by WIPO. Findings will also be used to improve the Madrid System operations and services.
More detailed information about this event may be found here.