As readers of this blog are by now well aware, my most recent obsession area of inquiry has been the sending and receiving of international bank wires. More or less by accident I have stumbled upon smart ways to receive international bank wires. As I describe in this blog article, more or less by accident our situation is that for our patent firm, we now receive our incoming foreign bank wires free of charge through, and for my personal bank account, I receive my incoming foreign bank wires free of charge because the bank is USAA.
As for the foreign sender of funds, if the foreign sender of money to our patent firm happens to be a customer of, they can send money to us and they will likewise not have to pay any fee (other than perhaps a currency conversion fee).
But how about sending bank wires? Who charges more and who charges less for sending bank wires to foreign countries? Here is a specific example of what it would cost to send about ten thousand dollars to Switzerland by any of three different providers. I find the price differences to be striking. Continue reading “Who charges how much for foreign payments?”