Our office e-filed a dozen patent applications at the USPTO on January 5, 2016. Today is January 8 and even now, not one of these patent applications is visible in PAIR.
What we have heard from the Electronic Business Center is that this is a known problem. Other filers who filed patent applications on January 5 have likewise been unable to see the applications in PAIR.
Let’s hope that the USPTO gets this problem straightened out soon.
This sort of problem at the USPTO is yet another reason to file a new PCT application in the RO/IB rather than RO/US. Newly filed PCT applications at RO/IB (if filed electronically using an ePCT eOwnership code) are visible in ePCT instantly.
As a reminder, a US-based would-be filer in RO/IB needs to make sure that either (a) the invention was not made in the US, or (b) a Foreign Filing License has already been obtained, perhaps through the priority document.