Pharma/biotech European patent claiming CLE free of charge!

I am delighted to be able to invite people to attend a pharma/biotech continuing legal education program.  This remarkable program lets you hear from an important person in the biotechnology part of the European Patent Office, Dr. Klaus-Peter Döpfer, and a very experienced patent practitioner in the pharma/biotech field, Ms. Sandra Pohlman.  They will talk about smart ways to draft patent applications with EPO subject matter eligibility in mind.   Continue reading “Pharma/biotech European patent claiming CLE free of charge!”

Private in-house PCT and DAS Training

In a recent blog post I listed the remarkable number of opportunities in the next few months for public PCT and DAS training programs.  What readers might not know about is that in addition to the many PCT and DAS training programs that are provided to the general public, many PCT and DAS training programs take place privately at law firms and corporations, as I will describe. Continue reading “Private in-house PCT and DAS Training”

A smart thing that USPTO customers should do now

(Please also see a followup blog article here.)

Those who make use of Private PAIR and EFS-Web are accustomed to USPTO’s very clunky way of accomplishing two-factor authentication, namely the poorly designed Entrust Java Applet (EJA).  USPTO has now formally announced (see excerpt at right from a slide in a USPTO webinar yesterday) that it will replace EJA with a much more user-friendly approach.  The goals of today’s blog article are:

  • describe the new system, and
  • explain what you can do right now to be ready for it well in advance.

Continue reading “A smart thing that USPTO customers should do now”

Netherlands joins DAS!

flag of the Netherlands

It is recalled that on May 5, 2018 I blogged about the imminent development of the Netherlands Patent Office joining the DAS system.  Today is the day!  The participation of the Netherlands Patent Office in DAS is as a depositing Office and as an accessing Office.  The participation is as to patent applications and PCT applications.

This brings to 19 the number of DAS participating Offices.