Register now for a PCT Seminar in Chicago October 20-21

John Marshall Law School is sponsoring a PCT Seminar on Thursday and Friday, Ojmls-pctctober 20-21, 2016.  From the brochure:

This two-day seminar offers an examination of current practice with regard to the PCT system for patent professionals.  A half-day session will focus on an overview of the PCT system, the most recent and future developments in the PCT system as well as covering some of the most important strategic decisions that need to be taken when using the PCT system.  This will be followed by a day and a half looking at a detailed analysis of the PCT system, covering best practices and sophisticated tips about the procedural aspects of the PCT.  It will cover the process from start to finish including the filing of the applications, preparing the international search, the preliminary examination, and eventually entering the national phase before designated Offices.  This course will also offer a platform for the participants to discuss more complex and unusual scenarios and to discuss particularly interesting real-live cases put forth by the instructors or by the attendees’ own experience.

The location is John Marshall Law School, 315 South Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL (map).

The presenters are Matthias Reischle, Deputy Director, PCT Legal Division, WIPO, and yours truly.

To learn more or to register, click here.

How long it takes DO/EO/US to mail filing receipts lately?

We remember those bad old days when DO/EO/US was taking a year and a half to get around to mailing a Filing Receipt in a newly filed entry into the US national phase.  The backlog of unattended-to US national-phase filings had gotten so bad that DO/EO/US had to set up a special processing queue for cases in which the applicant had filed a PCT-PPH petition.  The idea was that a case deserving of “special” status should not languish for a year or more just because DO/EO/US had fallen so far behind.

Within the past year or two DO/EO/US has managed to be much more prompt about this important task of mailing Filing Receipts.  And along with this improvement, DO/EO/US had dropped the special processing queue for cases in which the applicant had filed a PCT-PPH petition.

And indeed in recent months we have seen stretches of time during which many cases were receiving their Filing Receipts a mere two or three weeks after the date that the applicant has perfected the entry into the US national phase.

What’s a bit baffling, however, is to see that there is now more of a spread in the period of delay at DO/EO/US.  While a large plurality of cases recently do receive their Filing Receipts promptly (within two or three weeks), an ever-growing fraction of cases sit for some months, untouched by DO/EO/US.

For a case that was not going to get examined any time soon, this is perhaps not a big deal.  But for a case in which a Highway petition has been filed, the lack of attention by DO/EO/US goes against USPTO’s policy reasons for supporting the Patent Prosecution Highway in the first place.

What shines a bright light on this is the recent super improvement by the Office of Patent Petitions which, after falling terribly behind, has in recent months done much better in handling of Highway petitions.  A year ago it was commonplace to see Highway petitions that had languished for six or seven months untouched by the Office of Patent Petitions.  But nowadays the OPP gets kudos for granting Highway petitions in just two to four weeks.

So back to the promptness of DO/EO/US to mail Filing Receipts.  As I say, these days a large plurality of cases recently do receive their Filing Receipts promptly (within two or three weeks).  But we have cases with granted Highway petitions that still do not have a Filing Receipt despite having the national phase perfected as long ago as May 25 (about four months ago).

One wishes that the managers of DO/EO/US would generate a report from time to time that lists old cases that lack Filing Receipts, and that somebody would try to figure out why the old cases don’t get worked on.  Are the laggard cases all assigned to particular laggard workers, for example?  I assume that many workers in DO/EO/US work from home.  Are the laggard cases all assigned to people who work from home?



The trouble with customer numbers

There is a fundamental problem with customer numbers at the USPTO.  It is the problem of trying to fit six pounds of nails into a five-pound bag.  The nails don’t fit and the bag gets holes in it.

The original purpose of customer numbers was to provide an easy way to tell the USPTO where to send patent correspondence.  The idea being that if a firm had an address change you would only have to update the address once (in the customer number record) and this change would then automatically take effect for all patent files that were associated with that customer number.  This was like 24 years ago.  Nowadays this is called the “correspondence address” customer number.

Then the USPTO grafted a third limb onto the Frankenstein.  The customer number would also be used to keep track of where the maintenance fee branch should mail reminders about unpaid maintenance fees.  This is called the “fee address” customer number.

Then the USPTO grafted a fourth limb onto the Frankenstein.  The customer number would also be used to define the recognized power of attorney.  The idea with this is that the client grants power of attorney not to any particular practitioners but instead to “the practitioners associated with customer number X”.  The idea was that if a new practitioner were to join a firm, there would be no need to round up another signature from the client granting power of attorney to the new practitioner.  Instead someone would add that new practitioner’s registration number to the customer number, and the client would automatically now be granting power of attorney to that new practitioner.  Or if a departing practitioner were to depart from a firm, there would be no need to round up another signature from the client revoking power of attorney to the departing practitioner.  Instead someone would delete that new practitioner’s registration number from the customer number, and the client would automatically now no longer be granting power of attorney to that departing practitioner.  This is called the “power of attorney” customer number.

So at any given instant a file at the USPTO might have three distinct customer numbers — the CA (correspondence address) CN (customer number), the FA (fee address) CN, and the POA CN.  Nothing about USPTO’s computer systems required that these customer numbers be the same.  At OPLF we have files where none of the three customer numbers matches either of the other two customer numbers.

Then the USPTO grafted a fifth limb onto the Frankenstein.  The USPTO developed Private PAIR, which lets people see stuff that the general public cannot see.  How would the USPTO figure out who is permitted to see a particular (otherwise secret) file?  The user-friendly thing would be to permit the customer to pick who could see the file and who could not.  This could be an “access list” of users each with his or her own password.  The “access list” approach could, for example, permit a client to see the file even if the client did not have any registered practitioners on the payroll.  But that is not the choice that the USPTO made.  The USPTO chose to tie it to a customer number.

Having chosen to use a customer number as the way of determining who would and would not be permitted to see a file, which customer number would USPTO use for this purpose?  The POA CN?  The CA CN?  The FA CN?  Or would USPTO add a fourth field to its database, the “PAIR customer number”?

I would have imagined the correct choice to be the POA customer number.  If the client trusts someone enough to give them power of attorney, then it makes sense they would get to see an otherwise secret file.
But I imagined wrong.  USPTO picked the CA CN as the customer number that would determine who gets to see the file and who does not.

Next USPTO found a sixth limb to graft onto the Frankenstein.  USPTO decided to try to migrate away from postal mail as a way to mail stuff to applicants, such as Office Actions, Filing Receipts, and Notices of Allowance.  USPTO wanted to simply send an email to the applicant, listing the files in which there was outgoing correspondence.  This so-called “Outgoing Correspondence Notification” or OCN would be emailed to whom, exactly?  Should USPTO let the applicant (or practitioner) pick what email address or email addresses would be used?

The choice USPTO made was to say that going forward, a customer number would contain not only a list of practitioners, not only a postal mailing address, but also a list of up to three email addresses.  And then when the time came for USPTO to send out an OCN by email, USPTO would look to see what is the CA customer number, and then would look to see what are the email addresses for that customer number, and would then send the OCN to those email addresses.

Let’s step back a little bit and ask ourselves how this six-limbed Frankenstein works in practice.

As a first example, consider that every particular CN by definition contains a postal mailing address.  But if a particular CN is used for POA purposes, it does not matter at all what exact postal mailing address that is.  The postal mailing address in that CN could contain typographical errors or bigger mistakes and it would have no consequence.  It would likewise not matter what email addresses were inside that CN, and whether they were spelled correctly or not.

As a second example, consider that every particular CN by definition contains a list of patent practitioners.  But if a particular CN is used for CA or FA purposes, it does not matter at all who is in the practitioner list.  The practitioner list in that CN could contain random practitioner numbers or only practitioner numbers of deceased practitioners, and it would have no consequence.

There is the story of the frog in the cooking pot that keeps getting hotter, but only slowly hotter, and so the frog never gets the idea to hop out of the pot.  Here it is of course understandable that the USPTO could have ended up with the six-armed Frankenstein.  Each grafting of another arm onto the Frankenstein is like making the cooking pot just a little hotter.

At some point USPTO needs to hop out of the pot.  USPTO needs to get a fresh start on how it accomplishes a variety of things that don’t really need to be linked with each other:

  • where does USPTO mail correspondence?
  • who gets to see the file in Private PAIR?
  • who has Power of Attorney?
  • where should OCNs be sent?

A fresh start would permit selective access to a file, so that for example a client could see their file even though they don’t have a practitioner on the payroll.  A fresh start would permit setting it up so that the inventor could see the file.  A fresh start would permit role-based selective access, for example so that the client can “look but not touch” while the practitioner can look and also make changes.  A fresh start would squarely recognize that not every person at a patent firm (or corporate patent department) is registered to practice before the USPTO.  (As things stand now, the USPTO does not really do a good job of accommodating the secretary or paralegal who might have a legitimate reason to log in to Private PAIR.)

Patent assignments now visible on the web!

The USPTO did a nice thing today.  As of today, youAOTW can receive a PDF copy of a recorded patent assignment!

Until now, the only way to get a copy of a patent assignment was to place an order with the Order Entry Management System and pay $25.  And then wait a couple of weeks for the copy to show up in the mail.

But now, thanks to alert reader Rick Neifeld, I have learned that you can get it for free, and you can get it instantly.  The way to make this work requires the user to learn a few steps, but once you learn it, it’s easy.

A first thing to appreciate is that you can’t start with the “assignments” tab of PAIR.  You need to go to Assignments on the Web (Patents).  Then do a search.  You can search on any of the usual things — application number, patent number, whatever.  Eventually you will figure out the reel and frame number that you care about.  Click on the reel and frame number to get to a page that is specific to your reel and frame number.  You will then see a page like the screen shot above (click on the image to see it bigger).  Look for a barely visible icon just to the right of the word “details” (marked with a green rectangle), and click on it.  What will pop up is a PDF copy of the recordation cover letter and the assignment itself.

This is a welcome development at the USPTO!  USPTO deserves kudos for providing this helpful service.


USPTO patent application numbers way out of sequence?

A member of the EFS-Web listserv posted this question to the listserv earlier today:

I filed a national phase application earlier today on EFS-Web and the list of documents on the electronic receipt is complete, but it still hasn’t shown up on Private PAIR yet so I’m not sure.  The thing that makes me wonder is I noticed that the assigned application number has a lower numeric value than another (continuation) application filed a couple of months ago in a different family.
Does anyone else think this is weird?  I have the receipt so I should be able to get the filing date but I find it odd that the application number is lower and wonder if there is some problem.


His question is a very interesting question.  Here is the answer. Continue reading “USPTO patent application numbers way out of sequence?”

USPTO does very well lately with PPH requests

Readers will recall my blog posts over the past year or so, complaining about the USPTO’s having fallen so far behind in handling requests for Patent Prosecution Highway status.  I had reported delays of six months or more.

But now in recent weeks the USPTO has done much, much better.  We track these things pretty closely at our firm, and the improvement is very striking.  Here are some examples: Continue reading “USPTO does very well lately with PPH requests”

Financial Manager gradually restores search functionality

USPTO’s new Financial Manager system is supposed to be a replacement to the much-loved system that came before, called Financial Profile.  For many many years FP would let the user do a search for transactions of interest and the search could, if desired, be carried out across all possible payment methods.

For our billing staff an example of a daily recurring task was to do a search looking for all of the payments that happened since two days ago, across all of our (approximately a dozen) payment methods.

With FP this was a matter of a few mouse clicks.

And of course what the designers of FM were supposed to do (but did not do very well) was to replicate the user functions of FP in FM.  Unfortunately when USPTO released FM, the FM system did not permit any search across all payment methods.  It meant for example that our billing staff were forced to do about a dozen searches each day instead of a single search, so as to identify all of the transactions that had happened in the past day or two.

One annoying aspect of FM was that when USPTO released FM, on April 8, 2016, USPTO shut down FP.  So if some important feature in FP was missing from FM, there was nothing the customer could do about it.  USPTO should have kept FP running in parallel with FM until all of the features of FP had been migrated over to FM.

I blogged about this search-across-all-payment-methods deficiency on June 29, 2016.

I am delighted to be able to report that on August 10, USPTO finally migrated the search-across-all-payment-methods feature to FM.

For four months (starting with the abrupt shut-down of FP), customers were denied the feature.  But now the feature is back.

This is a welcome development.

Now let’s hope that the USPTO folks can keep up the good work, providing for example the user features that I detailed in this blog article on June 22, 2016.

Financial Manager forcing password changes

Some months ago I griped that the USPTO’s new Financial Manager system had a much-too-short sixty-day period for forcing users to change passwords.  (Fourth bad thing about FM, blog post of June 22, 2016.)

After this, some listserv members reported doing password changes and being told by FM that the next change would be six months in the future.  This sounded like good news to me.

I also found, as of a couple of months ago, that when the FM system would force me to change my password, I could simply “change” it to the same password that I was using before.

Now it seems there have been at least two customer-unfriendly steps backwards.  The time period for forced expiration of an FM password seems to have been cut back to a mere sixty days again.  And the system now refuses to let me enter the same password as before.  Indeed someone at the USPTO with too much time on their hands has gone to the trouble of coding this step so that I am denied the ability to use any of the previous twenty-four passwords that I have used before.

Again this makes things less secure, rather than more secure.  It guarantees that the user will have no choice but to write the password down and tape it to the computer monitor.

We customers are grown-ups and we can make our own decisions what sort of password we are happy with.  (It’s not good that the system imposes unnecessary requirements about the password having to contain a capital letter and lower-case letter and a smiley face and a punctuation mark and a numerical digit, and requiring that it be at least twenty-four characters in length, and so on.)

We can make our own decisions when we want to change our passwords.  (It’s not good that the system forces a change every sixty days.)


USPTO makes a little progress on web server security

Back in August of 2014 I blogged about the urgent need for USPTO to use “https://” instead of “https://” in all of its servers.  In June of 2015 I noted that USPTO had made no progress on this, so I blogged about it again.  I am delighted to be able to report that USPTO has now made a baby step.  On August 11, 2016, USPTO made an announcement about this.

Continue reading “USPTO makes a little progress on web server security”

USPTO failed to go to Capitol Hill about the massive system crash

It will be recalled that USPTO had a massive systems crash on December 22, 2015 which shut down every one of USPTO’s external-facing e-commerce systems, including the EFS-Web system for filing of patent applications and the TEAS system for filing of trademark applications.

On December 23, 2015 USPTO purported to “deem” December 22 and 23 to be holidays.  The next day, I pointed out (see blog article) that USPTO probably lacked the power to do this.  I said that the USPTO needed to head over to Capitol Hill to get a special bill passed which would cause December 22 and 23, 2015 to be real holidays (for purposes of the USPTO).

It was, of course, only a matter of time before the USPTO’s power to “deem” a day to be a federal holiday in the District of Columbia would be tested in litigation.  And now that day has come. Continue reading “USPTO failed to go to Capitol Hill about the massive system crash”