Register now for PCT Seminar in San Jose April 4

It is by now a well-known annual event for which I told you to save the date.  The patent firm Schwegman Lundberg Woessner hosts an all-day seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty.   This year it will be in San Jose.  Last year it was in Minneapolis.  The year before it was in San Jose.  This one-day PCT seminar is presented by yours truly.

But what I point out to the reader is the really remarkable thing, namely that the Schwegman firm, working together with the World Intellectual Property Organization as a co-sponsor, provides this event free of charge to the patent community. Continue reading “Register now for PCT Seminar in San Jose April 4”

Save the date: PCT Seminar in San Jose on April 4

The Schwegman firm, carrying on a tradition of many years now, will offer a full-day live PCT Seminar in San Jose, California on Thursday, April 4, 2019.  Schwegman provides a wonderful service to the patent community with these seminars, which it provides free of charge.

Yours truly will be teaching this all-day seminar which will take place at the San Jose Marriott hotel.

Save the date!

Not only does this seminar provide a full day of training on the Patent Cooperation Treaty, but it offers invaluable networking opportunities during the breaks.

New topics since last year’s Schwegman PCT seminar will include a discussion of the five types of PCT Declarations, and best use of the DAS system.

When the registration web page becomes available, I will post the link in this blog. This seminar always sells out!  So you don’t want to miss the opportunity to register for this seminar.

If you want to make sure that you hear about the availability of the registration web page right away, make sure you are subscribed to this blog.


Backlog at DO/EO/US

These days if you enter the US national phase you can expect to wait at least three months for your Filing Receipt.

We try to track this kind of thing pretty closely in our active files.  For a domestic filing receipt the delays these days are a mere 2-3 weeks.  But if the filing receipt that you are waiting for is a DO/EO/US filing receipt, you will have to wait three months.

This three months is, these days, the “best case”.  This assumes that you e-filed the case (not paper) and that you did not have any missing parts (no missing inventor declaration, no missing translation into English, no missing fees).  This assumes that you provided not only an ADS but also a computer-readable ADS but not only that, you provided it in the first EFS-Web submission meaning that the bibliographic data auto-loaded into Palm.  You also provided an Express Request for immediate national-phase entry if the other requirements were satisfied before the end of the 30 months.  Put plainly, you did everything that you possibly could to make as easy as possible the work of the DO/EO/US person.

With all of this, the waiting time for a Filing Receipt these is three months.

If, however, you do anything that requires the DO/EO/US person to do actual work, like not having paid all of the fees, not having provided the inventor declaration, etc. then the waiting time for the Filing Receipt will be much longer.

How long are you having to wait for your US national phase Filing Receipts?  Post a comment below.


US filers and filing at WIPO and daylight saving time

Keep in mind that most locations in the US will turn off daylight saving time today, but today is not the day that Switzerland will turn off daylight saving time.  (Switzerland turned off DST a week ago.)

Those who are filing documents at the International Bureau — documents that need a same-day filing date — should check to make sure they know what time it is in Switzerland as of today.

The main point here is that for a US filer, everything is now “back to normal”.  Whatever time zone offset a US filer is accustomed to between his or her time zone and Geneva, that offset is back to normal.

ePCT will tell you what time it is in Switzerland.

Daylight saving time and WIPO

Keep in mind that Switzerland will turn off daylight saving time today.  Those who are filing documents at the International Bureau — documents that need a same-day filing date — should check to make sure they know what time it is in Switzerland as of today.

For US filers, keep in mind that the US will not turn off DST today.  The US will turn off DST a week from now.

US filers who are getting ready to file a document at the IB should thus pay close attention during this next week to what time it is in Switzerland.

The practical effect for most US filers is that for the next week, you get an extra hour to e-file.  For example if you are in the Mountain Time Zone, normally you rush to file by 4PM if need a same-day filing date at the IB.  But for the next week you can file as late as 5PM and you will still get a same-day filing date at the IB.

Those who are e-filing in ePCT can readily check any time to see what time it is in Geneva, because at the top of any ePCT user screen it says what time it is in Geneva.  Here is a screen shot.  For example right now it is 4:44 AM Mountain Time and as you can see it is 11:44 AM in Geneva.

What filing date you get when you e-file at RO/IB?

What we are all accustomed to is that when we are picking a Receiving Office for the filing of a new PCT application, a substantial drawback of RO/IB is that we have to worry about the time zone.  For the US-based filer who is selecting between RO/US and RO/IB, the typical difference is six hours.  A filer in the Mountain Time Zone, for example, who is rushing to get a same-day filing date would need to e-file by 10PM if e-filing in RO/US but would typically need to e-file by 4PM if e-filing in RO/IB.

What I did not realize, until quite recently, is that things are quite different when one is e-filing a Hague application (in other words, an international design application rather than an international patent application). Continue reading “What filing date you get when you e-file at RO/IB?”