An opportunity to save money on PCT fees

It will be recalled (see my blog post of February 2, 2018) that the search fee for ISA/KR will increase by about 7% for filers in RO/US.  The increase will happen on April 1, 2018.

This offers an opportunity to save some money on PCT filing fees.  A US filer who is considering filing a PCT application (and who plans to pick ISA/KR) on or after April 1 might want to consider filing it on or before March 31.  This would permit the filer to pay the cheaper search fee.

Learn about PCT in Austin

PCT Learning Center will sponsor a two-day program about PCT in Austin.  This will be April 11-12.  Note that I will not be a presenter at this program.

To learn more or to register, click here.

Learn about PCT in Dallas

PCT Learning Center will sponsor a two-day program about PCT in Dallas.  This will be April 9-10.  Note that I will not be a presenter at this program.

To learn more or to register, click here.

Learn about PCT in New Orleans

There’s a nice opportunity to learn about PCT coming up soon in New Orleans.  I will be teaching two and a half days about PCT, on April 18th through 20th.  This program is sponsored by Patent Resources Group.

To find out more, or to register, click here.

Learn about PCT in Glendale

There’s a great opportunity to learn about PCT, coming soon in Glendale, California.

I will be teaching a day and a half about PCT.  This is part of a four-day program for IP Support Professionals.  This is March 5-8, 2018.  It is sponsored by Patent Resources Group.

For more information, or to register, click here.

Learn about PCT in Minneapolis

There’s a great opportunity coming up to learn about PCT.  It is a one-day program sponsored by the Schwegman firm and by WIPO.  Wednesday, April 11.  Yours truly will be the presenter.

It is astonishing (in a good way) that the Schwegman firm will be making this program available free of charge.  If you know someone who is with the Schwegman firm, tell them “thanks”.  I really mean this.  Call them up or drop them an email, or thank them in person.  This is really a nice thing that the Schwegman firm does for the patent community.

To find out more, or to register, click here.