In September of 2015 I posted a blog article celebrating some exciting news about PPH petitions. In that article (“Unexpectedly fast PCT-PPH decisions at USPTO“) I noted that we had gotten some cases onto the Patent Prosecution Highway a mere three weeks after filing the PCT-PPH petition. This was very good news given that previously it was taking anywhere from four to seven months for the Office of Patent Petitions to get around to examining PPH petitions. The letters communicating the three-week grants of Highway status came from a different part of the USPTO (not the Office of Patent Petitions) namely the Office of International Patent Legal Administration (the former Office of PCT Legal Administration).
At our firm we use PPH a lot. We try to track our PPH cases pretty closely. When we saw this good news in September of 2015, we figured USPTO had gotten a clue and had changed its workflow so that PCT-PPH petitions were going to OIPLA instead of going to OPP. And OIPLA was deciding such petitions fairly promptly after filing.
Well, it turns out I was wrong about this. Continue reading “Disappointing news about PPH petitions”