EUIPO will join DAS on July 11, 2020

I am delighted to report that the European Union Intellectual Property Office will begin participating in the DAS system as a Depositing Office for industrial designs starting on July 11, 2020.  This comes after Eighty-four practitioners and applicants asked EUIPO to join DAS.  

For more information see the Notice at the WIPO DAS web site.

By the way, if you are glad to see this result, maybe take a look at the list of the eighty-four signers, and if you know one or more of them, maybe drop them a “thank you”.



5 Replies to “EUIPO will join DAS on July 11, 2020”

  1. Does the designation as a “Depositing Office” mean EUIPO can send and receive priority documents? It will be a happy day never to order a paper certified copy of a US design priority application to send to EUIPO. Thank you!

  2. Yes this is a good thing for all of us to learn about.
    When an Office joins as a Depositing Office it means that it is prepared to *send* electronic certified copies to other Offices.
    If you want an Office to be prepared to *receive* electronic certified copies from other Offices, then what you are wishing for is that the Office would join as an Accessing Office.
    EUIPO has only said that it will participate as a Depositing Office.
    When the eighty-four signers wrote to Mr. Archambeau, we simply asked that EUIPO join DAS, which would have meant doing both. Your happy day is not, I regret to say, imminent.

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