It’s time to get in your numbers for the 2024 toteboards

Hello readers.  It is now 2025 and this means it is time to get in your numbers for the 2024 toteboards:

The goal is to recognize and rank law firms in the US based upon the numbers of US design patents, US utility patents, US plant patents, and US trademark registrations each firm obtained for clients in 2024.

The questionnaires will close on Friday, February 14, 2025.

Every year after I post the results of the toteboards, I get sad emails from firms that want me to accept their numbers late.  This would, of course, typically result in kicking other firms down in the rankings — other firms that got their numbers in on time.  Please help to reduce the number of such sad emails that I will receive this year.  Maybe you are a person at your firm who is responsible for getting these numbers in.  If so, please get your numbers in!  Otherwise, please forward this blog posting to somebody at your firm to make sure that somebody at your firm gets the numbers in for your firm.

You can see the previous toteboards here, going back to the earliest toteboard in 2012.

One Reply to “It’s time to get in your numbers for the 2024 toteboards”

  1. Suggestion: Why do not you add another category, the best patent, etc., or trademark for the particular year? Yes, I know that it is impossible to really know “the best”, because it is not a decision based on a simple, easily obtainable number, but still, invention is a human activity.

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