The nice folks at WIPO who take care of Madrid Protocol stuff have quietly added a nice feature to the Madrid Portfolio Manager, as you can see in the notice at right.
The nice new feature is that with one click of the mouse, you can get a nice PDF download of the international registration certificate.
In our office this is really popular. In the past we sometimes had to really go scrambling to try to find the actual international registration certificate. Typically it would have shown up on the postal mail and we would (hopefully) have made a scan of it before mailing it to the client. The scan might be skewed and might be in black and white (thus failing to capture color information in the certificate). Or we might have misplaced the scan PDF file.
Now things are super easy, at least for certificates dating from 2017 and 2018. We simply go to MPM and click on the “certificate” link and Bob’s your uncle. I clicked on one of our recent filings and you can see the certificate here. It has some really pretty colors in it, I think.
The challenge of course is that one must get all of one’s active Madrid cases into the Madrid Portfolio Manager. Do you already have all of your cases into your MPM? If not, then this is your opportunity to get your active Madrid cases organized and loaded into your MPM.
The notice indicates that WIPO is loading its backfile. Of course this might go way, way back to the beginnings of the Madrid system. On a whim I did a search for international registration number 1. Nope, no hit. IRN number 2. No hit. I see that Madrid Agreement dates from the 1890s. I wonder if there are still international registration certificates in force that date from the 1890s? I wonder what the numbering system is for those old registrations?
Maybe somebody knows. If so, I hope you will post a comment below.
Thanks for posting, Carl, that is good news. I never understood why I could get all the documents for the extensions but not the International Registration itself. This will be a great help.
Do you think it will ever be possible to get copies of the IRs that aren’t in our Portfolios?