Specially discounted copies of second edition of PCT Forms and Docketing book

Hello dear reader.  This is your opportunity to purchase a discounted copy of Oppedahl on PCT Forms and PCT Docketing, second edition.  Instead of the usual $89 price, you get get this copy for $59 off.   What’s the hitch?  The hitch is that the table of contents is defective if the book was printed prior to January 19, 2025 (see blog article).  And you get to purchase one of these defective copies at a $59 discount. 

To purchase one of the defective copies of the book at the $59 discount, click here.

When the book arrives, you will see that we have printed a corrected table of contents on two separate sheets of paper, and we have inserted the two sheets under the front cover of the book.  So you will have a correct table of contents, but it is not bound into the book — it is loose.  For this, you get $59 off the list price of the book.

3 Replies to “Specially discounted copies of second edition of PCT Forms and Docketing book”

  1. I may have missed it, but have you somewhere outlined the differences in this second edition (TOC aside) compared with the first edition (which I already have)?

    1. Thank you for commenting. Yes, I have done so. Here is what I wrote on my shopping cart:

      It is revised to bring things up to date and an important additional Receiving Office form has been added.

      Prompted by your comment, I have added this information to the Amazon listing as well. I imagine it will take a few hours for the update on the Amazon system to be visible.
      Again, thank you.

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