Here is a UPS Store at 3020I Prosperity Church Road in Charlotte, North Carolina. It only takes a couple of mouse clicks to figure out that this address is a UPS Store, from the US Postal Service API as quoted below. (This street address is ratted out in the Postal Service lookup system to be a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency.)
The Trademark Office has made much of its desire to force each of its trademark applicants to reveal to the Trademark Office where he or she sleeps at night. Given that with a couple of mouse clicks, or a couple of lines of computer code, the Trademark Office could ferret out UPS Stores like this, why does the Trademark Office not do so? See for example trademark application number 88745467 (TSDR record) in which the Trademark Office mailed an Office Action yesterday. Conspicuous by its absence in the Office Action is any mention of the fact that the applicant has not revealed to the Trademark Office where it sleeps at night.
This reminds us of yesterday’s blog article where the Trademark Office similarly snoozed through a case of a trademark applicant having failed to reveal where it sleeps at night.

I think if you took any effort, you’d find many, many marks with the same issue. For example, Reg. NO. 5523888. The owner, KWB Inc., identifies its address as a commercial Mailbox retailer in La Canada, CA. If one checks the CA Secretary of State corporate records for KWB Inc., it lists the same commercial mailbox as the company address as well as the address for Service of Process. Apparently, it’s not just the USPTO.