WIPO is developing a new Global IP Platform or GIPP. The goal of the GIPP is to provide a personalized home page for a user of WIPO’s web site, with easy-to-find links to the various database and e-commerce systems provided by WIPO. The user can set up an array of widgets or tiles providing access to the particular databases and systems that are of interest to the user.
WIPO has an explanatory video, showing a prototype of GIPP. You can see the video here.
WIPO is hoping to get user feedback on the prototype. If you watch the video, you can then complete an online survey. The survey allows you to give feedback and gives you an opportunity to let WIPO know if there is some feature or functionality that you think might be added to the platform.
I encourage you to watch the video, which is about three minutes in length. And I encourage you to complete the online survey, which might take another three minutes.