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Traps for the unwary in PCT small entity status

When I was first in practice, the only way to gain “small entity” status as a US patent filer was by filing a “small entity status form”. It was thus a pretty big deal in the year 2000 when the USPTO published a Federal Register notice (65 FR 54603, September 8, 2000) which pretty much eliminated the need for small entity status forms. Oversimplifying slightly, starting on November 7, 2000, a patent applicant in the USPTO was able to gain small entity status by the simple step of paying a government fee at the small entity rate. Except not! PCT filers sometimes find to their great disappointment that is is not really true that you can always gain gain small entity status by the simple step of paying a government fee at the small entity rate. Continue reading “Traps for the unwary in PCT small entity status”
What the rolling electrical blackouts in the mountains of Colorado on December 30th were all about
It turns out that the rolling electrical blackouts in the mountains of Colorado on December 30, which were a consequence of the devastating Marshall wildfire in Boulder Country, Colorado, were about the gas company avoiding having to relight pilot lights!
If there is anything that the gas company hates doing, it is having to send out workers to go from door to door to relight everybody’s pilot lights. Continue reading “What the rolling electrical blackouts in the mountains of Colorado on December 30th were all about”