Many owners of all-wheel-drive vehicles have had it drummed into their heads that if you find the need to replace one tire, the only correct way to proceed is to replace all four tires. But if your vehicle is a “dual motor” EV, that’s wrong. You can get away with replacing just two tires. See blog article.
July 4 a holiday at the USPTO
Tuesday, July 4, 2023 will be a federal holiday in the District of Columbia. This means that the USPTO will be closed that day.
This means that any response that would normally be due on Tuesday, July 4 will be timely if made by Wednesday, July 5.
Note the important comment below from alert reader Dan Ferris:
It’s important to note that the “next business day” rule does not apply to the copendency requirement for filing divisional/continuation applications. Any such applications with parent applications issuing on July 4, 2023 should be filed no later than July 4, 2023.
The Osborne Effect and Tesla superchargers

Four car makers (Ford, General Motors, Rivian, and now Volvo) have announced that starting about a year from now, their newly manufactured EVs will have a charging port that permits charging at Tesla supercharging stations. This will doubtless trigger the Osborne Effect (blog article).
Volunteers sought for coding a PHP registration status monitor for VOIP.MS
Update! I now have a status monitor working. See blog article.
VOIP.MS is my preferred service provider for VOIP telephone service. I am looking for one or two PHP coders to join me in constructing a PHP status monitor for monitoring the registration status of SIP trunks provided by VOIP.MS. Continue reading “Volunteers sought for coding a PHP registration status monitor for VOIP.MS”
False statement about DOCX returns to USPTO web site

It will be recalled (blog article, May 30, 2023) that on May 28, 203, the USPTO had posted a false statement on the USPTO web site. The USPTO said:
The USPTO strongly recommends submitting Specification, Claims, and/or Abstract in DOCX format which provides better data accuracy.
On May 29, a listserv member posted the question “Isn’t this false advertising or improper legal advice?” and a few hours later, the false statement disappeared from the USPTO web site.
Now on June 19, 2023, the false statement has quietly returned to the USPTO web site. Quoted above is a screen shot taken on June 19, 2023 from USPTO’s Patentcenter web site. Continue reading “False statement about DOCX returns to USPTO web site”
One reason why USPTO’s DOCX initiative presents professional liability risks

One of the many reasons why the USPTO’s DOCX initiative presents professional liability risks arises from USPTO’s use of an ever-changing “black box engine” to render DOCX files into PDF files. The black box engine is by now up to at least version 19. Continue reading “One reason why USPTO’s DOCX initiative presents professional liability risks”
Another submission to the CAFC on “where you sleep at night”
It will be recalled that there is an appeal pending before the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on “where you sleep at night”. Many months ago, the USPTO had filed a brief in that appeal, representing to the Court that it was protecting the “where you sleep at night” domicile addresses of trademark applicants from exposure to the public. And it will be recalled that recently the USPTO revealed that for more than three years, it had failed to protect the “where you sleep at night” domicile addresses of applicants from exposure to the public, despite having promised to do so. In other words, the representation in that brief was untrue. The Associate Solicitor of the USPTO wrote a letter to the CAFC that sort of admitted this (blog article).
Now the appellant has filed a letter response. You can see it here. It is interesting reading.
Has your Chargepoint Home Flex EV charger lost its green halo?
Has your Chargepoint Home Flex EV charger lost its green halo, as shown at right? Is the halo white instead of green? If so, you may find this blog article to be of interest.
Learn how to receive ISA/EP correspondence electronically rather than by postal mail
Do you sometimes pick ISA/EP when you file a PCT application? Is it a source of frustration that the communications from ISA/EP arrive only slowly, via postal mail, rather than electronically? Would you like to learn how to set things up with an electronic EPO mailbox so that you can receive your ISA/EP communications electronically instead of by slow postal mail? Continue reading “Learn how to receive ISA/EP correspondence electronically rather than by postal mail”
USPTO comes clean (sort of) to the CAFC about its “where you sleep at night” blunder
The Associate Solicitor of the USPTO today wrote a letter to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, sort of coming clean to the Court about the USPTO’s recently revealed “where you sleep at night” blunder. Continue reading “USPTO comes clean (sort of) to the CAFC about its “where you sleep at night” blunder”