Learn about PCT in Alexandria, Virginia

There’s a nice opportunity to learn about PCT coming up soon in Alexandria, Virginia.  I will be teaching two and a half days about PCT, on July 11-12, 2018.  This program is sponsored by Patent Resources Group.

To find out more, or to register, click here.

Learn about PCT in Boston

There’s a great opportunity to learn about PCT, coming soon in Boston, Massachusetts.

This is a two-day seminar hosted by PCT Learning Center, taking place on June 6 and 7, 2018.  I will be one of the speakers for this program.

For more information, or to register, click here.

An opportunity to save money on PCT fees

It will be recalled (see my blog post of February 2, 2018) that the search fee for ISA/KR will increase by about 7% for filers in RO/US.  The increase will happen on April 1, 2018.

This offers an opportunity to save some money on PCT filing fees.  A US filer who is considering filing a PCT application (and who plans to pick ISA/KR) on or after April 1 might want to consider filing it on or before March 31.  This would permit the filer to pay the cheaper search fee.

What are the places where your client can get utility models?

It’s only a few years ago that I started paying attention to the prospect of a client obtaining a utility model instead of an ordinary utility patent.  Until recently I knew of only a small number of Offices where utility models are available.  But recently I happened upon a resource on the web site of WIPO that lists no fewer than fifty-nine Offices in which a utility model may be obtained. Continue reading “What are the places where your client can get utility models?”