There’s a big change that will happen four days from now for the US design applicant who claims priority from a Chinese design application.
WIPO’s new Global IP Platform
WIPO is developing a new Global IP Platform or GIPP. The goal of the GIPP is to provide a personalized home page for a user of WIPO’s web site, with easy-to-find links to the various database and e-commerce systems provided by WIPO. The user can set up an array of widgets or tiles providing access to the particular databases and systems that are of interest to the user. Continue reading “WIPO’s new Global IP Platform”
Canada joins Hague Agreement
On Monday, July 16, 2018 Canada deposited its Instrument of Accession to the Hague Agreement.
Normally what one would expect from this event is that the Agreement would enter into effect from October 16, 2018 (three months thereafter). But that is not what is going to happen. Continue reading “Canada joins Hague Agreement”
Can a Hague application claim priority from a Hague application?
Recently a colleague asked whether a second Hague application (international design application) can claim priority from a first Hague application. This is a very interesting question. The answer is yes, it can, under certain circumstances, as I will explain. Continue reading “Can a Hague application claim priority from a Hague application?”
Why would anyone convert a US provisional application to a non-provisional?
There is a procedure for converting a US provisional patent application into a non-provisional patent application. The practitioner who follows this procedure (instead of simply filing a non-provisional with a domestic benefit claim) will put the client in the position of incurring an extra government fee and losing some patent term.
So why would anyone ever carry out this procedure? There is a real-life situation where this might be the clever thing to do, as I learned the other day from a smart member of the EFS-Web listserv.
Continue reading “Why would anyone convert a US provisional application to a non-provisional?”
PDX and DAS on Tuesday
Attend a webinar this coming Tuesday, June 19th. The subject is PDX and DAS. Or maybe you do not need to attend, because you already have mastery of PDX and DAS! Those who have mastery of PDX and DAS should have no problem passing this DAS quiz. Continue reading “PDX and DAS on Tuesday”
See if you can pass a simple quiz on the DAS system
Here’s a simple quiz about the DAS system. Pass this quiz and it means you know quite a bit about DAS. Continue reading “See if you can pass a simple quiz on the DAS system”
A smart thing that USPTO customers should do now
(Please also see a followup blog article here.)
Those who make use of Private PAIR and EFS-Web are accustomed to USPTO’s very clunky way of accomplishing two-factor authentication, namely the poorly designed Entrust Java Applet (EJA). USPTO has now formally announced (see excerpt at right from a slide in a USPTO webinar yesterday) that it will replace EJA with a much more user-friendly approach. The goals of today’s blog article are:
- describe the new system, and
- explain what you can do right now to be ready for it well in advance.
Continue reading “A smart thing that USPTO customers should do now”
Danish patent office is now an Accessing Office in DAS
The list of Accessing Offices in the DAS system continues to grow. As I blogged on May 26, 2018, the Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) had announced that it would soon become an Accessing Office in the DAS system. Today is the day! As of today, DKPTO is an Accessing Office in DAS. Continue reading “Danish patent office is now an Accessing Office in DAS”
Reprise of PDX-DAS webinar
The May 8, 2018 webinar on this topic was well received. But many people missed the webinar and asked if it will be repeated. So we are presenting this webinar again, with updates. For example:
- On June 1, 2018 the Denmark patent office will become an Accessing Office in the DAS system
- On June 1, 2018 the Netherlands patent office will become a member of the DAS system
This will be a live webinar, not a replay of a recording. Continue reading “Reprise of PDX-DAS webinar”