Patents shall be issued in the name of the United States of America, under the seal of the Patent and Trademark Office, and shall be signed by the Director or have his signature placed thereon and shall be recorded in the Patent and Trademark Office.
For as long as I have been in practice, such patents have arrived in the postal mail approximately every Friday, following the Tuesday of issuance. We call them “ribbon copies” because on the cover, they have a gold seal and they used to have a representation of a red ribbon. I review the patents each week, often with some sense of satisfaction at having played some small part in the process of obtaining the patent from the USPTO on behalf of the client. We then ship each patent to the client, with a cover letter solemnly advising the client that the patent should be kept safely “among the client’s important papers”.
It seems this will come to an end, according to a new article has been posted to the blog of the Director of the USPTO. Continue reading “Cereal box got smaller but price stays the same (USPTO Director’s blog)”