e-filing at WIPO — back to normal

For the past three weeks the situation for e-filing at WIPO has been that the local time to e-file so as to get a same-day filing date in Switzerland has been different from usual.  But today the people in Switzerland have turned their clocks forward.  So things are back to normal.

For example if you are in the Mountain time zone, once again as of today you will be counting toward 4PM local time to get a same-day filing date in Switzerland.  (For the past three weeks the answer was 5PM.)

Broken links in “get your numbers in for the toteboards”

Hello readers. After comments from several people I went to look closely at my four recent posts:

Each blog article contains four important links for you to click on:

  • a link to the questionnaire where you can enter your numbers for the particular category in that particular blog post, and
  • crosslinks to the other three blog posts.

In each case the questionnaire link works fine so far as I am aware.  But until today, each place where there was a crosslink to one of the other three blog posts, the crosslink was no good.  It asked for a user ID and password instead of taking you to the desired page.

Thanks to alert readers, I have hopefully corrected the crosslinks.

Hopefully everybody will get their numbers in soon.

Get your numbers in for the 2018 US Plant Patent tote board

It’s time for the second annual US Plant Patent Toteboard.

The goal of this toteboard is to list the firms that helped clients to obtain US plant patents in 2018.  It will rank the firms according to the number of US plant patents obtained.  Respondents are asked to report only US plant patents for which the firm is listed on the front page of the granted patent.  Please respond by Thursday, March 21, 2019.

You can see the previous Toteboards here.

To send in your numbers for the 2018 US Plant Patent tote board, click here.

It is also time to report your numbers for the 2018 US Design Patent tote board and the 2018 US Utility Patent tote board and the 2018 trademark registration tote board.

Get your numbers in for the 2018 US utility patent tote board

A year ago I published the 2017 US Utility Patent Toteboard and before that, the 2016 US Utility Patent Toteboard, and a year before that the 2015 US Utility Patent Toteboard.  Now it’s time to finalize and publish the 2018 US Utility Patent toteboard.

The goal of this toteboard is to list the firms that helped clients to obtain US utility patents in 2018.  It will rank the firms according to the number of US utility patents obtained.  Respondents are asked to report only US utility patents for which the firm is listed on the front page of the granted patent.  Please respond by Thursday, March 21, 2019.

You can see the previous Toteboards here.

To respond to be listed in the US Utility Patent Tote Board, click here.

It is also time to report your numbers for the 2018 US design patent tote board and the 2018 US trademark registration tote board and the 2018 US plant patent tote board.

Whither Daylight Saving Time?

More than five hours have passed since my blog posting that points out that right now you probably have an extra hour for e-filing of stuff at the International Bureau of WIPO.  Why do you have this extra hour?  You have this extra hour because probably you are in the US and you set your clocks forward.  And (this is the important part) the folks in Switzerland did not pick today to set their clocks forward.  (They will set their clocks forward in about three weeks, on March 31.)

Anyway, during this past five hours I sort of figured that at least one alert reader would have posted a comment about the imminent demise of Daylight Saving Time.  Yet, astonishingly, this has not happened!  So I will now discuss the imminent demise of Daylight Saving Time. Continue reading “Whither Daylight Saving Time?”