Design filing receipts from USPTO in a mere two days!

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We filed a bunch of new design patent applications in the USPTO this past Tuesday the 14th.

I am astonished (in a good way) to see that USPTO has mailed Filing Receipts for two of the design applications today, the 16th.

In a quarter of a century of interaction with the USPTO as a registered practitioner, I have never seen a filing receipt arrive in a mere two days.  Until today, and today it happened in two cases.

(That’s the good news.  The bad news is that in each of these cases the FOAP is 44 months.  More than three and a half years, it seems, that we will have to wait for the cases to be examined.)

Have others been receiving Filing Receipts this quick?  I wonder if we are just lucky somehow, or if this is a (welcome) recent trend at the USPTO.  Please post a comment below.

4 Replies to “Design filing receipts from USPTO in a mere two days!”

  1. Yes! this has happened on a case I worked on before.

    Unfortunately the office issued a notice of missing parts along with the 1 or 2 day old issued filing receipt for the missing inventor declarations. The declarations were filed as the assignment and filed timely however we still received the missing parts notice because the filing receipts were processed so fast and the assignment was not.

    Fun stuff!

  2. My socks were blown off the other day when I received a Notice of Allowance on a utility patent application (mechanical) 2 months and 11 days after it was filed. There was a Petition to Make Special based on age.

  3. I’ve done some design patent applications in the last month( I am not a lawyer , I’m an industrial designer). The average it is about 7-10 days for me to receive the receipt.

    My question for you is while you are waiting and waiting in the US for your design to issue can you file the designs and other countries at let it publish? In the UK filing to publication take 20 days.

  4. Out of the blue this summer, I received an NOA in a utility/mechanical case, 9 months after filing, No petitions to make special, no Track One. No complaints from the client.

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