The alpha testing of Patentcenter began in about August of 2018. My firm was among the first of the alpha testers of Patentcenter. The other day I realized that it’s easy to figure out how much of the testing my firm has done. I was fascinated to see that my firm has filed about half of all of the design applications that anybody has filed in Patentcenter.
What makes this sort of thing easy to track is that each filing system (EFS-Web, Patent Center, and paper filing) assigns application numbers from its own blocks of one thousand application numbers.
When Patentcenter launched, which was in about August of 2018, it received the block of design application numbers beginning with 29/652,001. By now in April of 2020, it has gotten up to about 29/652,035. In other words, during the entire life of Patentcenter, about 34 design patent application have been filed in Patentcenter.
My firm has seventeen application numbers in this numerical range. This tells me that my firm has filed about half of all of the design patent applications that anybody has filed in Patentcenter.
The graph above shows the cumulative number of design patent applications filed in Patentcenter over the course of dates. By January 1, 2019, about ten design patent applications had been filed in Patentcenter. By January 1, 2020, about 25 design patent applications had been filed in Patentcenter. In the graph, each box or vertical bar represents a design application or tranche of design applications filed by my firm.
On average, during alpha testing and beta testing until now, about twenty days passed from the filing of one design patent application to the next.
I suppose the way my methodology could be wrong is if some users of Patentcenter who filed design applications received applications numbers that were not in the range from 29/652,001 to 29/652,035. Is there any user of Patentcenter who filed a design patent application before today and who received an application number that was not in this range of application numbers? If so, please post a comment below.
I filed 8 designs through Patent Center, having serial numbers between 29/652,003 – 29/652,028
Yeah, so that means that of all of the design applications that anybody ever filed in Patentcenter, you filed one-fourth of them!