Nice people from WIPO attended e-Trademarks listserv reception

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(Updated to report that the nice people at WIPO received the poster.  blog article.)

The e-Trademarks listserv reception took place as scheduled on Tuesday, May 3.  About seventy people attended.  I am delighted to report that two nice people from the Madrid Protocol part of WIPO attended the listserv.  We greeted them with an 18 inch by 22 inch (46 cm by 56 cm) poster with a “wish list”.  It was signed by about 41 of the listserv members.  I will be mailing the poster to our WIPO colleagues.  Here are the WIPO people and here is the “wish list”: 

The nice WIPO people who attended the e-Trademarks listserv reception were:

  •  David Muls
  •  Benoît Apercé

Here are the wish list items from the poster:

  • Please can you include our docket number in the emails that you send to us?
  • When you communicate a refusal to the holder in a US designation, can it please not only say the date that should be used to calculate the response period, but can the date also be correct?
  • In Madrid Portfolio Manager, the thing that causes an IR to be in one’s “portfolio” is a mystery email address. Can you provide a way for users to update this themselves?
  • Also, the thing that links an IR to a portfolio needs to not be an email address, given that it is WIPO’s policy that each user ID needs to be tied to a natural person, not to a role. If that person were to die or leave the firm’s employ, then we lose access to the portfolio the way things are now.
  • When you wish to change ownership of an IR, either online or by filing an MM5 form with WIPO, you cannot pay the fee of 177 Swiss francs per IR with a credit card. It would be convenient to be able to pay with a credit card.
  • That should go for anything you file that has a fee.
  • For the Madrid Portfolio Manager and other Madrid electronic filing functions the ability to have correspondence and receipts from WIPO sent to more than one email address. Even the USPTO has managed to implement this. will allow practitioners to keep our clients better informed and reduce the risk of some negative outcome due to missing an email.

(Update:  they received the poster, as you can read about here.)

4 Replies to “Nice people from WIPO attended e-Trademarks listserv reception”

    1. Thank you for commenting and thank you for your kind words. As you will appreciate, what made this particular effort possible was that we have a community of people in the listserv. Again, thank you.

  1. It was really great being there with Carl and fellow list colleagues! Thank you so much Carl for the initiative. As usual, WIPO people were amazingly courteous (especially considering the poster!). Great speech by Carl, by the way. We know how much work it was to set it all up, thank you!

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