I had previously identified IP Australia as the Office that was the most trendy, modern and up-to-date so far as DAS participation is concerned. Of the 25 Offices participating in DAS, IP Australia stood alone as the only Office participating in every way that it is possible to participate.
But now a second Office has joined this high status. The Norwegian Industrial Property Office now stands as a second Office that participates in DAS in every way that it is possible to participate.
This very exciting development happened on January 1, 2020. From that date, NIPO is an Accessing Office for designs, trademarks, and patents. And from that date, NIPO is a Depositing Office for designs, trademarks, and patents, and, capping the list, it is a Depositing Office in its role as a PCT Receiving Office.

Who among readers of this blog is a Norwegian patent or trademark or design practitioner who is likewise trendy, modern and up-to-date? The first to send me all four of these things so that I may post Certificates of Availability will receive a gift of a digital multimeter and will be recognized here as trendy, modern and up-to-date:
- application number and DAS code for a Norwegian domestic patent application,
- application number and DAS code for a Norwegian trademark application,
- application number and DAS code for a Norwegian design application, and
- application number and DAS code for a PCT application filed in RO/NO.
As with the previous Japanese Certificate of Availability, I will be glad to blur a couple of digits in the Certificates.
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