I just released the second edition of my book Oppedahl on PCT Forms and PCT Docketing. Amazon says this book is now the #1 best seller in Adult & Continuing Education. Not only that, but if you purchase this book, I will receive a royalty of about $48. As of right now, you would only have to pay about $21 to purchase the book from the US Amazon.com site. I suppose Jeff Bezos would say “we lose money on every sale, but make it up in volume.”
I don’t know how long Amazon will continue this baffling sale price. I have to imagine that Amazon will eventually restore the book to its list price of $89.
This is not so in ” CA version of Amazon prime.
Here it’s listed for > $ 80
Try to buy a copy of 2nd edition at $21
I’ll buy it from you and pay shipping!
Thank you Jay for your comment. I placed an order for you on Amazon.com. Amazon tells me they will deliver the book on Saturday, December 28.
I bought the package (2022 PCT advanced class slides + PCT docketing) for my most dedicated docketers. It will surprise no one to hear that they are delighted with this Christmas gift! 🙂 Thank you for providing such great resources to the IP Community! Happy Holidays, Carl!
I just took advantage of an even better deal on Amazon (US site): $8.79, including tax and free shipping. Thank you, Carl! (And, perhaps, Jeff Bezos.)
Yes I knocked the price way low myself, so that I could send inexpensive copies to some alumni of our firm. And so that I could send some inexpensive copies to colleagues at WIPO. Later I will restore the price to its normal list price again.
I guess I missed the critical for this offer. It’s now $84,55 (5% discount on amazon.com) or €91,75 (on amazon.de)-
Yes, as I explained, “I don’t know how long Amazon will continue this baffling sale price. ” Anybody who placed their order on the day that I posted this blog article was able to get the baffling sale price. Or the day after. Or the day after that.
But yes, by now the baffling sale price is gone.