Eighth annual E-Trademarks listserv reception in Seattle

Will you be in Seattle on May 21, 2018? Maybe for the annual meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA)?

The reception will be Monday, May 21, 2018 from 6PM to 8PM.  Click here to RSVP.

Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant, 600 Pine Street – suite 401, Seattle, WA 98101.

See also Meet the Bloggers XIV will will take place the next day.

Add to Calendar
05/21/2018 06:00 PM
05/21/2018 8:00 PM
e-Trademarks XIII
Eighth annual e-Trademarks listserv reception
Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant, 600 Pine Street – suite 401, Seattle, WA 98101


Meet the Bloggers XIV in Seattle

Will you be in Seattle on May 22, 2018?  Maybe for the annual meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA)?  Then please attend the fourteen annual Meet the Bloggers.  Be there or be square!

MTB XIV will be Tuesday, May 22, 2018 from 8PM to 10PM at Garage Billiards, 1130 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122.  Read about it here and on the TTABlog and on the iPelton Blog.

Add to Calendar
05/22/2018 08:00 PM
05/22/2018 10:00 PM
Meet the Bloggers XIV
Fourteenth annual Meet the Bloggers
Garage Billiards, 1130 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122

See also the e-Trademarks listserv reception which will take place the previous day.

Should you be checking the “GB” box in addition to the “EM” box when filing Madrid applications?

When you are filing a Madrid Protocol application, it is possible to check the “GB” box in addition to checking the “EM” box.  With Brexit in progress, should you be checking both boxes?  A March 14 tentative agreement (link) between EU and UK makes it perhaps less urgent to check both boxes in the near term, as I will discuss.

Continue reading “Should you be checking the “GB” box in addition to the “EM” box when filing Madrid applications?”

United Kingdom joins Hague Agreement!

click to enlarge (photo credit: WIPO/Berrod)

When the UK chose the path of Brexit, I blogged this:

The UK does not belong to Hague. It will be particularly helpful if the UK were to join Hague right away.

That was in June of 2016.  I had blogged here (October 2017) and here (December 2017) that this development was imminent.  Now indeed the UK has joined the Hague Agreement (WIPO press release here).

Continue reading “United Kingdom joins Hague Agreement!”

Two openings remaining for Design Day

()click to enlarge

(Update:  see the comment below.  The event is now sold out.)

Every year, the USPTO Design Day sells out. This year will be no exception.  As of right now, only two openings are left.

To find out more, or to register, click here.


Get your numbers in for the 2017 USPTO Plant Patent tote board

It’s time for the first annual US Plant Patent Toteboard.

The goal of this toteboard is to list the firms that helped clients to obtain US plant patents in 2017.  It will rank the firms according to the number of US plant patents obtained.  Respondents are asked to report only US plant patents for which the firm is listed on the front page of the granted patent.  Please respond by Thursday, March 22, 2018.

You can see the previous Toteboards here.

To send in your numbers for the 2017 US Plant Patent tote board, click here.