Companies that you never heard of that make telephone calls possible – part 1

Whenever you dial a telephone number that is located in the US, somehow your telephone company needs to be able to figure out which telephone company will complete the call.  So for example suppose your cellular carrier is AT&T and you pick up your cell phone and dial a phone number.  One of the first things that AT&T must do is somehow to figure out which telephone company is responsible for that phone number.  Maybe that phone number is handled by Verizon.  If so, then somehow AT&T needs to know to send your call to Verizon which will complete the telephone call.

How does your telephone company come to learn which telephone company is responsible for that phone number?  Keep in mind that the person you are calling might “port” their cell phone number tomorrow from Verizon to T-Mobile.  If so, then if you were to dial the same telephone number the day after tomorrow, your telephone company would need to know to send your call to T-Mobile instead of sending it to Verizon.

How does this work?  And how does this relate to “number portability”?   Continue reading “Companies that you never heard of that make telephone calls possible – part 1”

ISA/IL search fee increases today

As I reported on May 5, 2017, the Israel Patent Office made plans to increase the search fee for US filers from $911 to $963.  The fee change takes effect today.

At the present time, very few US PCT filers pick ISA/IL.  So this fee increase will not affect very many US PCT filers.

Most US filers file their PCT applications in EFS-Web because most US filers use RO/US for their PCT filings.  EFS-Web was updated today to reflect this new fee amount.  So there is not much risk of a US filer accidentally paying the old (smaller) fee.


A new reason to consider Madrid Protocol

The reader will be familiar with the many factors to be explained to one’s clients to help them decide whether to use Madrid Protocol on the one hand, or ordinary Paris Convention national filings on the other hand, to accomplish foreign filings.  Now, starting July 1, 2017, there will be one more factor to be taken into account.  Madrid Protocol will have a convenient mechanism by which the holder of an International Registration may request a recording to introduce an indication concerning its legal nature or to change that indication once it has been recorded. Continue reading “A new reason to consider Madrid Protocol”

What about the security of SIP (VOIP) communications?

Recently I blogged with a recommendation that readers migrate their $40 or $55 per month landlines to VOIP lines that cost as little as 85¢ per month.  In response, alert reader and Portuguese and European patent attorney Luís Ferreira asked:

What about security? SIP communications are not normally encrypted?

His questions are good questions.  Here are a few partial answers.

Continue reading “What about the security of SIP (VOIP) communications?”

Reluctant to migrate from PCT-SAFE to ePCT?

A colleague at a very well known patent firm asks this:

Some of our clients (a few very large, sophisticated patent clients) refuse to let us move from PCT-Safe to ePCT for their matters since they claim the ePCT servers are located outside the US and that, at a minimum, a foreign-filing license would first be required prior to filing.  Do you have any related experiences with clients?  If so, how did you address their concerns?

First let me offer a compliment to those companies.  It is really good that they think about the FFL issue.  A company (or a practitioner) that fails to pay attention to FFL issues can really run into trouble later. Continue reading “Reluctant to migrate from PCT-SAFE to ePCT?”

Meet the Bloggers XIII was a success

Meet the Bloggers XIII
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Meet the Bloggers XIII
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Meet the Bloggers XIII was a success!  The reception was on the beach in Barcelona.  The surf crashed on the sand.  Cruise ships and sailboats passed by on the ocean.  Tapas and beverages were consumed.  Over a hundred people attended.

One more event to attend and then you can feel you have accomplished nearly all of your INTA goals.  Yes, the e-Trademarks listserv reception lies ahead, tomorrow (Tuesday) evening.