Readers will recall my previous post about big delays in the Assignment Branch at the USPTO. As I reported in that post, we had e-filed an Assignment for recordation on October 10, 2016 and even after some weeks the Assignment Branch had not gotten around to giving us the all-important reel and frame number. We had placed a followup call on October 27 reaching a nice fellow who told us that there was a backlog. We placed another followup call on November 7 reaching a nice woman who said yes there was still a backlog. On that day I posted the above-mentioned blog article and one reader posted a comment that she was able to top me. She had e-filed an Assignment on October 6 that had not been recorded as of November 7. Another reader posted a comment that he was able to top both of us, with an Assignment that he had e-filed on September 15 and that the Assignment Branch had not recorded as of November 7.
Anyway now there is news. Today, November 15, USPTO has mailed a Notice of Recordation for this Assignment that we e-filed on October 10. It took the Assignment Branch 36 days to get around to recording this Assignment.