Maybe Private PAIR and EFS-Web are working again

screen shot from EFS-Web
click to enlarge

Just now we went to EFS-Web and for the first time since August 14, it seemed to permit logging in to the ordinary EFS-Web system.

And we went to Private PAIR and it seemed to permit logging in.

In EFS-Web we then paid the Issue Fee in one of our cases using the online issue fee payment screen.

We then went to Private PAIR and obtained from IFW a copy of what we just filed.

We then clicked on the “Fees” tab in Private PAIR and it showed the fee that we had just paid.

Of course it is too soon to know whether this means the systems are back to normal. But it looks like maybe things are moving in the right direction.

How USPTO will finesse the $400 penalty

The question is, what to do about the statutory penalty of $400 which Congress established when it passed the America Invents Act.  This penalty is for paper-filing when you should have e-filed.  And for many applicants it probably seems a bit unfair if the applicant’s reason for paper-filing was that USPTO failed to provide a mechanism for e-filing.

I wrote about this problem, and about Director Iancu’s comment, here.

The folks at the USPTO have faced a problem for the last few days.  They know that Congress said paper-filers should be punished with a $400 penalty.  They know that when Congress did this, Congress was relying upon the USPTO to make sure that e-filing would always be available.  This would, as a matter of common sense, require that USPTO provide a backup e-filing server that would continue working even if the main e-filing server might crash.  Unfortunately despite what amounts to a Congressional mandate to the USPTO to provide a reliable backup server, the USPTO never did provide the mandated reliable backup server.

So what to do about the $400 penalty?  USPTO realizes it would face a firestorm of criticism if it were to fail to refund the $400 penalties, and yet USPTO realizes that because the penalty is statutory, USPTO would need to go to Congress, with hat in hand, to ask for a special bill to permit giving the refunds.  Presumably such a trip to Capitol Hill to ask for a special bill would be met with embarrassing questions like “why did the USPTO not take steps many years ago, prompted by the previous massive system crashes, to make sure that the backup server would still be working even if the main server were to crash?”

So the problem for folks at the USPTO right now is to try to figure out a way to make an end-run around the plain language of the America Invents Act which imposes this statutory penalty.  Give back the $400 even though the plain language of the statute says that the $400 must be paid.  And here are the first hints of the end-run that is apparently being devised:

Applicants affected by this outage will have an option to avoid or receive a refund of paper filing fees. For such applicants, the director will prescribe a procedure for re-submitting applications electronically to receive a refund of the paper filing fee (or to not incur a fee if not yet paid). Applicants who follow this procedure will maintain their original filing dates for applications filed by paper during the outage. Details of this procedure will be identified on this page when they are ready. In the meantime, applicants should continue to file and pay associated fees pursuant to current laws and regulations.

The idea, it seems, is that anyone who has been hit by this penalty for paper-filing during the breakdown of the EFS-Web Contingency server will be invited to “resubmit” the patent application in EFS-Web.  Then, according to a procedure that is still in the making, USPTO would give this later electronically filed application the benefit of the earlier paper filing date.

The filer who included the $400 penalty fee with the paper filing would, it seems, be able to get a refund of that fee.

What about the filing fee, search fee, and examination fee that were likely already paid in the paper-filed case?  What will happen to all of that money?  Maybe USPTO will somehow waive rules right and left to permit those already-paid fees to be transferred over to the new application that came into existence by means of the EFS-Web filing.

Or maybe the USPTO will maintain a fiction that the new e-filed case is somehow “the same application” as the previously filed paper application, sort of like what USPTO says when a Request for Continued Examination is filed.

Meanwhile what will be done about the lost PTA (patent term adjustment) that will surely follow due to the e-filed filing date being some days or weeks after the paper-filed filing date?  Will USPTO manually adjust the PTA clocks for all of the cases affected by this massive system crash?  Or will patent owners have to file (and pay for) petitions, years from now, to get back those days of PTA that were lost due to this massive system crash?

Enormous time costs and professional-fee costs will likely be imposed upon practitioners and applicants by this procedure, all so as to save the USPTO the embarrassment of doing the right thing, which would be to go to Congress and get a special bill passed that would give the Director authority to waive the $400 penalty due to system failures.

Oh and one’s heart goes out to the patent owner who, TYFNIL, asserts one of these patents in court.  It is very predictable that the accused infringer will point to the fact that the application was paper-filed, and the fact that the statute says what it says about the requirement of paying the $400, and the fact that the $400 was not paid in the application that led to the patent-in-suit.  Yes, I imagine that after perhaps $50K of motion practice, the patent owner might manage to overcome the inevitable attack upon the patent for failure to pay the $400 penalty.

I have to assume that some patent owners might just suck it up and let the USPTO keep the $400 fee, just to save the $50K that would later have to be spent fighting that litigation motion practice.

An opportunity to save some money on PCT search fees

As I reported to you on July 20, 2018 (blog article), the search fee paid in US dollars by US filers for a PCT search carried out by the EPO will drop on September 1, 2018.

Presently $2207, it will soon drop to $2095.

This means that if you are getting ready to file a PCT application, and if you are a US filer, and if you are planning to select EPO as your ISA, and if you have the flexibility to postpone your filing date to September 1, 2018, you can save some money by doing so.

Paying Patent Issue Fees during the USPTO systems crash

As a general matter, if you are filing something by fax at the USPTO, you should be faxing it to the Central Fax Number at +1-571-273-8300.  Keep in mind that there are quite a few things that you are not allowed to fax to the USPTO, for example the filing of a new patent application or the entry into the US national phase from a PCT application.

Several members of the EFS-Web listserv (which you should join if you have not already done so) have reminded me that in the special case of payment of an Issue Fee by fax, the best fax number to use is +1-571-273-2885.  (See USPTO web site here and here.)

The USPTO does not, unfortunately, mention this on its “Filing documents during an outage” page.

Note as well that Form PTOL-85B has a Certificate of Transmission designed into the form.  This will satisfy the requirements of 37 CFR § 1.8.  Note that you will probably need to include Form 2038 if you are trying to pay the Issue Fee by fax, and note further that USPTO rules say that when you send in Form 2038 by fax, it is required to be ink-signed, not virgule-signed (in other words you are not allowed to use an S signature under 37 CFR § 1.4).

Keep in mind, too, that given the migration away from landlines and over to VOIP telephone lines, the use of facsimile (fax) is getting less and less reliable (WIPO for example is discontinuing incoming faxes because of this).  It is unfortunate that USPTO continues to rely upon fax as its backup system in the event of a crash of EFS-Web.


Getting back your $400 penalty for failing to e-file

Update:  the USPTO web site now says:

Applicants affected by this outage will have an option to avoid or receive a refund of paper filing fees. For such applicants, the director will prescribe a procedure for re-submitting applications electronically to receive a refund of the paper filing fee (or to not incur a fee if not yet paid). Applicants who follow this procedure will maintain their original filing dates for applications filed by paper during the outage. Details of this procedure will be identified on this page when they are ready. In the meantime, applicants should continue to file and pay associated fees pursuant to current laws and regulations.

I have posted a new blog article about this.

The EFS-Web system crashed early in the morning of Wednesday August 15, 2018.  Many filers will be forced to pay the $400 penalty for failing to e-file, despite the fault lying with the USPTO.  What, if anything, can be done about this? Continue reading “Getting back your $400 penalty for failing to e-file”

The latest on the massive outage at the USPTO

USPTO has published a content-free page about the massive system outage that (among other things) has broken Private PAIR and EFS-Web:

At approximately 4:30 a.m. ET on August 15, 2018, PALM experienced an issue during maintenance that impacted its ability to function properly.

Yes, that tells us a lot about what happened (not!).

It is sort of true that the EFS-Web Contingency Server is sort of working.  I successfully e-filed a design application on Friday using that server — or at least I think I succeeded.  Of course I will not really know whether I succeeded until USPTO gets Private PAIR working again.

There are anecdotal reports that the EFS-Web Contingency Server does not work for entry into the US national phase.

See two webinars about workarounds, for which recordings are available.

The chief takeaway from the content-free page is that USPTO commits to posting updates every day at 10AM and 4PM until things are back to normal.




Filing a PCT application during the USPTO system crash

As a reminder, if the application that you are trying to file happens to be a PCT application, consider filing it at RO/IB instead of RO/US.  In other words don’t try to use EFS-Web for filing your PCT application.  Use ePCT to e-file it directly at the IB.  Of course if the invention was made in the US, you will need an FFL (foreign filing license).  Maybe the FFL that you already received in your US priority application will cover the PCT application.  Also keep track of when it will be midnight in Switzerland (ePCT will tell you what time it is in Switzerland).

A chief benefit of using ePCT to e-file your PCT application in the RO/IB is that you will instantly be able to see what you just filed.  You can see the contents of your PCT application in ePCT (just like what you would usually do in Private PAIR).

Two webinar recordings – dealing with USPTO’s massive system crash

When it became clear that the massive USPTO system crash was not going to end very soon, I very hurriedly prepared and presented two pop-up webinars:

  • How to file a US patent application by Priority Mail Express, and
  • How to respond to an Office Action at the USPTO by fax or mail

The first was at 10AM Mountain Time this past Friday, and the second was an hour later.

Many hundreds of people attended.  Given the short notice and trying conditions I think both webinars went pretty well.  (Maybe you attended one or both webinars, in which case I would be grateful if you could post a comment below.)

I managed to record both webinars and have uploaded them to Youtube.  Please understand the recordings are unedited and unpolished.  (For the Office Action response webinar, skip ahead to about 1:55;  for the e-filing webinar, skip ahead to about 1:01.)  But I offer the recordings here in case people might find them helpful during this very trying time:

The programs are CLE accredited in California and you might get lucky and might be able to obtain credit in your state using the Certificate of Attendance that is provided.  If so, please let me know at this link.