(Corrected with two corrections prompted by alert reader Ken Boone. The starting number was 6741505, not 6741504. Thus the count of issued registrations was 7477, not 7478. Thank you, Ken.)
Today, May 31, 2022, a second round of US trademarks got registered under the new “electronic certificate” program.
The lowest US trademark registration number handed out today was 6741505. The highest US trademark registration number handed out today was 6748981. So it looks like the Trademark Office issued 7477 US trademark registrations today. That number is roughly consistent with the numbers from a few weeks ago, before the big SNAFU on May 10, 2022.
The electronic registration certificates all seem to be present in TSDR right now at 5:41 AM Eastern Time.
The certificate for the lowest registration number got cryptographically signed on May 20, 2022 at 4:32 AM. The certificate for the highest registration number got cryptographically signed on May 27, 2022 at 8:02 AM.