Odd Amazon pricing for second edition of my PCT Forms and Docketing book

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Hello readers.  I just released the second edition of Oppedahl on PCT Forms and PCT Docketing.  Like the original edition, it is priced at $89 and I earn a royalty of about $48 per book.  But what I don’t understand is that Amazon has placed this book on sale for about $21.  Yes, it looks like if you order this book right now, you will only have to pay about $21 to Amazon, and they will pay me about $48, and you will receive a copy of this book.  I am baffled by Amazon’s pricing decision, but you can see it in the screen shot above.

Maybe by the time you click on the purchasing link, Amazon will have restored the price to the list price of $89.  But for the moment, it looks like you can buy this book for about $21.  Here is the link:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DR34ZT2T  .

8 Replies to “Odd Amazon pricing for second edition of my PCT Forms and Docketing book”

  1. Amazon does this automatically when sales for a given book are going better than it had predicted. In essence, Amazon is taking a hit on its share in order to accelerate sales momentum even more. It’s an interesting strategy, sort of the opposite of what brick and mortar retailers do (offer a sale on the slow-sellers), but it’s tough to argue with their overall results. In any case, congratulations!

  2. In the UK, the 2nd edition of your book is priced at £70.82. Unfortunately your link doesn’t work for me in the UK and I hate to admit it, but if I could get a copy of your book for an equivalent price to $21 then I would purchase it. Mainly because I would dismantle it to place these separate pages into a folder so that I could look at each page separately as I cannot handle a paperback.

    No chance that you would get me a copy in the US and post it to me? However, the postage would probably make it too expensive.

  3. Have you ordered a million copies yet? It is now at $20.26.
    They probably have five copies left. Good luck collecting the $48/copy. Happy Holidays.

  4. Still working at 10:00 California time. I’d say it’s a good stocking stuffer, but it doesn’t arrive until Friday.
    Thanks, Carl.

  5. Happy Holidays, and thank you for sharing! Just ordered a copy on December 23 at 9:30am PST for $20.26 for my holiday gift to myself.

  6. Thank you for sharing! Just ordered a copy on December 23 at 11:56 MST for $20.26 for my holiday gift to myself. Happy holidays!

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