Trademark Office misses a chance to demand that a trademark owner reveal where it sleeps at night

As I have pointed out in earlier blog articles, the Trademark Office has been very inquisitive as to the street address where its trademark applicants sleep at night.  I have also pointed out in earlier blog articles that to the extent the Trademark Office wants to be consistent and thorough about this, the Trademark Office should not discard the CMRA information which USPS provides to the Trademark Office.  

The Trademark Office looks up every address of every trademark applicant in the USPS’s address verification API, and the USPS returns not only a verified address, but also a data field that reveals whether that address is or is not a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency.  In other words the USPS rats out the applicant that is using a post office box or a UPS Store or a Mailboxes Etc. to avoid revealing where he or she or it sleeps at night.

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Here is a concrete example of the Trademark Office passing up a chance to force an applicant to reveal to the Trademark Office where it sleeps at night.  It is US trademark application number 88745070 which you can see here.  When USPTO looked up the applicant’s address, the USPS said “Y” in the CMRA field, as you can see here.  In fact this address is a post office address.  101 West Goodwin Street is a US post office, and the number 3849 is the post office box of the applicant.

But the Trademark Office discarded that information.  The Trademark Office has mailed an Office Action that says nothing about the need for the applicant to reveal to the Trademark Office where it sleeps at night.

I wonder whether the Trademark Office, subsequent to the posting of this blog article, will mail another Office Action requiring the applicant to reveal to the Trademark Office where it sleeps at night?

“Where do you sleep at night?” seems to apply mostly to trademark owners residing in the US

(Revised to reflect news from another trademark practitioner that sometimes the Trademark Office has indeed pursued “where do you sleep at night” inquiries for at least a few non-US applicants.)

One peculiarity that I have not seen fully explored until now is the observed fact that the desire on the part of the Commissioner for Trademarks to know the street address where a trademark owner sleeps at night seems to apply almost exclusively to trademark owners residing within the US.

The Office Actions in which the Commissioner for Trademarks demands to know the street address where the owner sleeps at night, the Office actions that are triggered by the use of a Post Office Box, happen almost exclusively only if the owner’s address is in the US.  An owner of a trademark registration whose address is outside of the US, whose only address of record is a post office box, usually does not receive such an Office Action demanding to know where the owner sleeps at night.  Stating this as clearly as possible, the Commissioner for Trademarks mostly enforces its rule about requiring revelation to the USPTO personnel of where the owner sleeps at night in the special case where the owner’s address is in the US.

You might think that this highly selective demand to know where a person sleeps at night might be explained by the requirement that an owner located outside of the US hire a US attorney. The idea might be that the Commissioner for Trademarks feels the need to know exactly where the owner sleeps at night so as to smoke out the owners whose domicile is outside of the US, since they are required to hire US counsel.  The Commissioner for Trademarks would not want such a non-US owner to be able to evade the requirement of hiring US counsel by the stratagem of renting a Post Office Box in the US.

But that dog won’t hunt.  The observed behavior of the Commissioner for Trademarks is that Office Actions like this are being mailed in cases where the owner is located in the US and has hired US counsel.  In other words even if the owner has hired US counsel, thus making it completely irrelevant whether or not the owner’s domicile is in the US for purposes of figuring out whether or not the owner should be required to hire US counsel, still the Commissioner for Trademarks demands to know the street address where that US owner sleeps at night.

And again to emphasize a point made above, in those cases where the owner has admitted that he or she resides outside of the US (and has of course hired US counsel), and where the owner has made us of a Post Office Box located outside of the US, inexplicably the Commissioner for Trademarks has only seldom mailed an Office Action requiring the owner to reveal where (outside of the US) the owner sleeps at night.

It is mostly in the special case where the owner is in the US that the Commissioner for Trademarks demands to know where the owner sleeps at night.  

The Rules that the Commissioner uses to justify this inquisitiveness into the street address where the owner sleeps at night do not exempt owners located outside of the US.  If the Commissioner were to carry out the Rules consistently, the Commissioner would be mailing out such Office Actions in all cases where a post office box located outside of the US was being used.

I wonder why it is that the Commissioner enforces those Rules so inconsistently depending upon whether the trademark owner’s post office box is inside the US or outside the US?

The Commissioner for Trademarks demands to know where I sleep at night

(Update:  a letter has been sent.  See blog article.)

The Commissioner for Trademarks persists in demanding to know where trademark owners sleep at night.  Now it’s personal.  The Commissioner’s representative (a Post Registration Trademark Specialist) has today mailed an Office Action in a case where I personally own the trademark registration.  I am trying to do a ten-year renewal and the Specialist tells me that although everything else about my trademark renewal is in order, she refuses to accept the renewal because I have not revealed to USPTO personnel where I sleep at night.  I have today filed a petition asking for the Commissioner to waive his requirement that I reveal to USPTO personnel where I sleep at night.  It will be interesting to see what happens next. Continue reading “The Commissioner for Trademarks demands to know where I sleep at night”

Some Xfinity wifi hotspots now available to all for free

It is fascinating to see the various things that companies and organizations are doing in the face of the Covid-19 problems. As one example, my firm’s favorite voice-over-IP telephone company, VOIP.MS, has expanded its tech support hours to 24 by 7 (blog article). And now Comcast says it has reconfigured some of its Xfinity wifi hotspots so that they are available to everyone for free. Continue reading “Some Xfinity wifi hotspots now available to all for free”

Requesting EUIPO to join the WIPO DAS system

Would you like it if EUIPO were to become a participating Office in the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) system?

For example, suppose you have obtained a Registered Community Design (RCD) in the EUIPO, and now you wish to file a US design patent application claiming priority from that RCD.  To perfect the priority claim at the USPTO, you need to somehow obtain a certified copy of the RCD application and you need to file it at the USPTO.  It is not easy to obtain a paper certified copy of the RCD application.  If only EUIPO were to become a participating Office in the DAS system, then you could easily use DAS as the way to get a certified copy from EUIPO to USPTO.

Here is your opportunity to join others in a request to EUIPO that it join the DAS system.  A letter will get sent to the EUIPO asking it to join the DAS system.  If you wish, you can become a signer of that letter.  To read the letter and to see how to sign, click here.

A long and rambling story about learning to write

What follows is a reminiscence about how I learned to write.  Be advised that this blog article rambles.  Set this article aside for some time when you are having trouble getting to sleep. 

The main point of the article, I suppose, is that in general we take too long to think of saying “thank you” to those teachers and mentors who invested in us.  And if so, then the only thing we can really do is try to pay it forward and try to be good teachers and mentors for those who come after us. Continue reading “A long and rambling story about learning to write”

Putting your office telephone extension onto your smart phone

In our firm’s work-from-home setup, everything is Voice over IP (VOIP).  This means it is super easy to make it so that a work-from-home employee can have a phone on their desk at home that works exactly like the phone on their desk in the office (blog article).  But what is very interesting to think about is that if you have a VOIP telephone system, any employee who wants it can also have his or her office phone extension operating on his or her smart phone.  Continue reading “Putting your office telephone extension onto your smart phone”