Reflecting on the “eighty-four practitioners and applicants” letter

I have had a moment to reflect upon the letter that just got sent from Eighty-four Practitioners and Applicants to the Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office.  (You can read about it here.)

I am very proud and honored to be among the eighty-four signers of this letter. I am personally acquainted with some of the signers.

One of the signers whose name I recognize is an individual who filed one design application in EUIPO and then filed in the US and had to go to a lot of trouble to obtain a physical certified copy to perfect the priority claim in the US. That individual knows as well as anyone does, what a benefit will flow to the design community if and when EUIPO joins DAS.

Other signers whose names I recognize include some of the leading lights in the world of very experienced design protection practitioners, some of whom were serving design clients long before I ever was.

Thank you to those who signed. Let’s hope that the EUIPO chooses to join DAS and chooses to do it soon.


Eighty-four practitioners and applicants ask EUIPO to join DAS

The letter to Christian Archambeau, the Executive Director of EUIPO, garnered eighty-four signatures and got sent out today by Priority Mail Express.  You can see a PDF scan of the letter here and you can track the courier package here.  The letter got delivered on April 24, 2020.  Here is the “ask”:

We write to you as design practitioners and applicants for protection of industrial designs. Many of the undersigned are members of the Industrial Designs Listserv, a community of design practitioners.

We are writing to request that the European Union Intellectual Property Office become a participating office in the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS).

We thank you for your consideration of this request.

Time of day at RO/IB returns to normal for US filers

On March 8 I blogged that US filers filing documents at the International Bureau needed to pay extra close attention to what time it is in Switzerland.  The reason is that in the US, Daylight Saving Time happened on March 8.  But did not happen on that day in Switzerland.  This meant that for the past three weeks, a US-based filer in (for example) the Mountain Time zone would be able to e-file in the IB as late as 5PM and still get a same-day filing date.  This differed from the usual drop-dead time of 4PM.

Today (March 29, 2020) is the day that Daylight Saving Time happens in Switzerland. Continue reading “Time of day at RO/IB returns to normal for US filers”

Requesting EUIPO to join the WIPO DAS system

Would you like it if EUIPO were to become a participating Office in the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) system?

For example, suppose you have obtained a Registered Community Design (RCD) in the EUIPO, and now you wish to file a US design patent application claiming priority from that RCD.  To perfect the priority claim at the USPTO, you need to somehow obtain a certified copy of the RCD application and you need to file it at the USPTO.  It is not easy to obtain a paper certified copy of the RCD application.  If only EUIPO were to become a participating Office in the DAS system, then you could easily use DAS as the way to get a certified copy from EUIPO to USPTO.

Here is your opportunity to join others in a request to EUIPO that it join the DAS system.  A letter will get sent to the EUIPO asking it to join the DAS system.  If you wish, you can become a signer of that letter.  To read the letter and to see how to sign, click here.

AIPLA spring meeting is canceled

(Updated to include cancellation of the ABA-IPL annual meeting.)

Well it’s official.  The American Intellectual Property Law Association has announced the cancellation of its spring stated meeting which was scheduled for May 6-8 in San Antonio, Texas.

This comes after the cancellation of USPTO Design Day which was scheduled for April 23 in Alexandria, Virginia.  And it comes after the cancellation of the annual meeting of the International Trademark Association which had been set for Singapore in April and then had been shifted to happen in the US in May or June, and has now been rescheduled for November at some unspecified date and city.  

I don’t know whether AIPLA’s decision to pull the plug on its spring meeting was influenced by my report of the results of a survey of meeting attendees about their plans.

The American Bar Association has likewise canceled the American Bar Association Intellectual Property Law section annual meeting, scheduled for April 1-3 in Washington, DC.  

Free webinar: Learn about DAS and Designs

(Update:  The webinar took place and I think it went well.  To download the presentation slides or to watch a recording of the webinar, click here.)

It was all planned that I was going to be one of the speakers at USPTO Design Day 2020.  I was going to be presenting on the topic of DAS and Designs.  But Design Day got canceled.  What should I do with my presentation slides?  I’ll give the same presentation, but I’ll do it online.  This will be a free-of-charge webinar.  Maybe you’d like to attend, or maybe you know someone who’d like to attend.  Continue reading “Free webinar: Learn about DAS and Designs”

USPTO 2020 Design Day is canceled

It is with regret that I report that USPTO 2020 Design Day, previously scheduled for April 23, 2020 (blog article), has been canceled.  I was really looking forward to attending the meeting.  I was scheduled to serve among the presenters at the meeting, speaking about the DAS system.

I will provide this presentation about the DAS system in a free-of-charge webinar on Tuesday, March 31.   To find out more about the webinar, or to register, click here.

Help the meeting planners

Hello loyal blog readers.  Imagine how stressful it is right now for the people who are planning the upcoming intellectual property meetings.  INTA had planned its 2020 INTA Annual Meeting for Singapore, and canceled it, saying that it will schedule instead an annual meeting at some not-yet-selected city in the US, in May or June of 2020.  I gather that AIPLA is trying to figure out whether or not to keep in place its AIPLA Stated Spring Meeting presently scheduled for May 6-8 in San Antonio, Texas.  I have no doubt that the planners of the 2020 USPTO Design Day, scheduled for April 23 in Alexandria, Virginia, are wondering about all of this.  I imagine that the planners of the ABA-IPL 2020 Annual Meeting, scheduled for April 1-3 in Washington, DC are also wondering about all of this.  

The planners for those four meetings probably do not feel very comfortable trying to ask their potential attendees what their plans are.  But I can ask questions that they might not feel comfortable asking.  So I will.  And I will aggregate the responses and provide them to the planners of the four meetings.

Did you attend any of these four meetings in the past three years?  Are you thinking about attending one or more of these four upcoming meetings?  If so, please please please answer this short questionnaire and please do so by tomorrow, Wednesday, March 11.  It should only take two or three minutes and your answers might be a big help for the planners of these four meetings.  The questionnaire does not ask for your name or email address.  I will pass along the responses only in aggregated form.  

Thank you.

Carl Oppedahl

Filing at the International Bureau and Daylight Saving Time

It’s that time of year again.  The time of year when it is important to keep track of the fact that Daylight Saving Time is different in Switzerland from the way it is in the United States.  This is important because you might be in the US, and you might be e-filing (or fax-filing) some document with the International Bureau of WIPO. Continue reading “Filing at the International Bureau and Daylight Saving Time”