Office of Patent Petitions still lagging with PPH petitions

The Office of Pateopp-backlog2nt Petitions dashboard would have us believe that the present backlog for deciding PPH petitions is 136 days.  Given that the factual requirements for such a petition are nowadays self-certified by the filer, it seems unreasonable that the filer should have to wait 136 days for the petition to be decided.  Indeed it seems to me that USPTO should make this into an ePetition (the kind of petition that is automatically processed by EFS-Web and immediately granted, if all petition requirements are met).

Some weeks ago a high-up person in the Office of Patent Petitions told me that Something Was Going To Be Done.  Resources were going to be found, I was told, so that this backlog could be reduced.  But my post today notes that one of our PPH cases had its petition filed 144 days ago and the Office of Patent Petitions has not yet gotten to that petition.  Things seem to be getting worse, not better.

The policy goals of PPH (reducing examination backlog, improving patent quality, promoting science and the useful arts) are not well served when the USPTO falls so far behind (four, five, even six months of delay) in deciding PPH petitions.

No need for Extension of Time Petitions

A question came up the other day in the listserv for patent practitioners (EFS-Web).  A list member asked how one should fill in the various fields in Form PTO/AIA/22 (Petition for Extension of Time).  One of the fields is “FOR” and the list member wondered whether the title should be pasted into that field.

One thing about this is that in my view (see blog), no field other than the application number actually matters or is required.  But more importantly, in my view Form PTO/AIA/22 (and its companion form PTO/SB/22) is completely unnecessary.  Here’s why.

Continue reading “No need for Extension of Time Petitions”

First Action Interview Pilot program might be a good choice for some applicants

The First Action Interview Pilot program (FAIP) is a way to try to get a patent faster.  For some applicants it may be smart to use FAIP.Clipboard01  USPTO’s patent dashboard claims that the first office action allowance rate for FAIP cases is 30%, while the corresponding statistic for non-FAIP cases is 12%.  This suggests that an applicant might be smart to try FAIP.  In this blog post I will discuss some of the potential advantages and disadvantages of FAIP.   Continue reading “First Action Interview Pilot program might be a good choice for some applicants”

Big delays in recent months in the Image File Wrapper

Back in the early days of EFS-Web and Private PAIR, I could e-file a new patent application and within just a few minutes, I could look in IFW (Image File Wrapper) and see what the USPTO had received.  If there had been some problem, say an illegible drawing, then this would permit doing a corrective filing the same day.

And in those early days, if I were to e-file a follow-on document (for example a response to an office action), the newly filed document would be visible immediately in IFW.

All of this was consistent with USPTO’s stated performance standard for IFW which was (and is) that a newly e-filed document should be visible in IFW no later than one hour from when it was e-filed.

But not nowadays.  Very often, USPTO comes nowhere close to meeting its own stated performance standard.  I will describe some typical examples of performance failures for IFW.

Continue reading “Big delays in recent months in the Image File Wrapper”

USPTO chips away at auto-loading of bib data into Palm

When EFS-Web was new, the USPTO tried to be smart about bibliographic (bib) data.  USPTO designed Form PTO/SB/14 which was an enormous (one megabyte) PDF form.  The user could paste the bib data into the form.  This included things such as “who are the inventors” and “what are their residences” and “what is the priority claim” and “what domestic benefit claim is being made to a provisional application”.  The form was entitled “Application Data Sheet” (ADS).

This was a lot of work for the user, but USPTO dangled a reward.  If the user were to include this ADS in the initial EFS-Web submission, the USPTO would promise to auto-load all of the bib data into Palm.  From there it would propagate into PAIR and it would be used in preparing the official Filing Receipt.  I will now describe how this reward gradually changed into a hoax.   Continue reading “USPTO chips away at auto-loading of bib data into Palm”

How USPTO could handle bib data changes better

(On December 21, USPTO released a new functionality called Corrected Web-based Application Data Sheet.  I have posted a followup blog article about this new functionality.)

Sometimes a filer needs to update bibliographic (bib) data in a pending patent application.  In a recent blog post I talked about how USPTO’s preferred way of receiving requests for bib data changes is ill-conceived and wastes the valuable time of USPTO personnel and valuable time of the filer.  In that blog post I described how USPTO’s rules actually permit the use of a “smart procedure” in which the filer only lists the items being changed.  Items that are not being changed could be omitted in this “smart procedure”.  But the USPTO actually recommends that the “smart procedure” not be followed.

Having said all of this, the constructive thing to do is to describe how the USPTO could handle bib data changes better.  Which I will now do.   Continue reading “How USPTO could handle bib data changes better”

How to change bib data at the USPTO

(After I blogged on November 22 about how USPTO could do better in receiving updated bib data, on December 21 USPTO announced a new system for receiving updated bib data.  Please see my blog article about USPTO’s new system.)

About once a week in our office we find the need to update, change, or add bibliographic (bib) data in a pending patent application at the USPTO.  In general what we find is that the USPTO does not follow its own rules for such changes.  The USPTO’s procedures are ill-conceived, making poor use of the time of applicant and Office personnel alike.  In a later blog post I will describe what USPTO should do instead.  But for this blog post I will detail what the USPTO rules actually say about how to accomplish bib data changes, in the hope that this might be helpful to others.   Continue reading “How to change bib data at the USPTO”

Disappointing news about PPH petitions

In September of 2015 I posted a blog article celebrating some exciting news about PPH petitions.  In that article (“Unexpectedly fast PCT-PPH decisions at USPTO“) I noted that we had gotten some cases onto the Patent Prosecution Highway a mere three weeks after filing the PCT-PPH petition.  This was very good news given that previously it was taking anywhere from four to seven months for the Office of Patent Petitions to get around to examining PPH petitions.  The letters communicating the three-week grants of Highway status came from a different part of the USPTO (not the Office of Patent Petitions) namely the Office of International Patent Legal Administration (the former Office of PCT Legal Administration).

At our firm we use PPH a lot.  We try to track our PPH cases pretty closely.  When we saw this good news in September of 2015, we figured USPTO had gotten a clue and had changed its workflow so that PCT-PPH petitions were going to OIPLA instead of going to OPP.  And OIPLA was deciding such petitions fairly promptly after filing.

Well, it turns out I was wrong about this.   Continue reading “Disappointing news about PPH petitions”